
Don’t forget Colin Powell did the same thing to as Hillary did

If you were Hillary and the press was starting to drum up yet another big “scandal” about you, would you cooperate? The press is as responsible for all the crap she and Bill had to endure as the Republicans were/are and here they are again, trying chase a story down the Clinton worm hole. I’m not saying she didn’t

The Raiders did actually paint it but it moved to LA

-rushes in to defend baseball....

Granted I don’t go to a lot of football games but other than an EPL game, the scariest place I’ve ever watched a sporting match was back in Candlestick during the bad old days in the 80’s. And this comes from somebody who grew up going to games at the Vet in Philly

In England for EPL games (and probably elsewhere in Europe), the police often escort the opposing team’s fans into the stadium (field/grounds, whatever) to keep them from getting assaulted and then made to sit in specific sections during the game. Some of it is so the fans can be together to sing songs and what not

Shouldn’t this post be more like the “essence of the NFL?” McNown’s head gets smashed and the reaction is more “LOL Browns” than “Jesus, that looks awful.”

That was one of the best writeups about why I loathe the NFL and this has always been one of my favorite bits on Deadspin as I feel it’s always a great thing to read while I watch football and feel totally disgusted with myself in doing so

Fiorina took a fully functional and historic company and completely changed the culture and direction of the company. Her merger with Compaq and other moves were considered a disaster and is often ranked as one of the worst CEO’s in history at the time she left HP and InfoWorld included some of her decisions as being

As much as I’m enjoying this, isn’t this kind of a more elaborate form of sign stealing in baseball? And like sign stealing, something that’s almost more on the team for getting their signs discovered than on the team that figured out how to do it?

We Giants fans will always appreciate Williams for being a good Giant but for also taking Zimmerman out in Game 2 of the NLDS with two outs in the ninth and thus allowing the Giants to come back and eventually win in the 18th. That third WS trophy sure looks good next to the other two

Orgy Tents are the thing a friend of a friend supposedly goes to but you can never find seems to be off to a great start

This will always be my favorite thing ever

Just read most of the comments in the “Your Team Sucks” column to see why. Everybody seems to hate their team’s owners, their fans, their teams, and themselves for liking football but they’re as fanatical as anyone about their team despite it all. At some point, all of the NFL’s issues might turn off enough people to

When did Taylor Swift start becoming a stock photo image model?

and almost got cut for Jamie Foxx when he twisted an ankle while filming

Does this count as a LOLSpurs or do they get a pass on this one? It’s hard to tell sometimes

In a weird way, I respect Carson more because he is what he is and isn’t pretending to be anything else. Fiorina is posing as a successful business women when in fact she destroyed a company and then ran one of the most impotent campaigns in the history of campaigns. I wouldn’t put her in charge of a 7/11 and yet she

Shouldn’t the issue be not that he’s peddling snakeoil but he’s sort of admitted to getting dinged up in the NFC Championship game, something that was commented on by a lot of people who watched the game, and that he was still allowed to play, and thus showing what a joke the NFL concussion protocols are?