
Here’s another reason to hate the Arizona Cardinals- they’re stadium is named after a fake school currently under investigation by the Federal Government for defrauding thousands of people. Even the Washington Football Team or the Cleveland Browns can’t say that about their stadium

Maybe he just misses being able to boss black people around

It looks like he’ll always kick alone

that is if they haven’t already found a way to cover the story up

to be fair, some of that sewage comes from all the times they’ve had to clean up a locker after somebody’s been traded

I think you just summed up the attitudes of your average NFL fan

As someone who does live in San Francisco, I never understood all the fanaticism the fan base had over these teams as it featured an incompetent Glory Boy twit of an owner who’s came to his job through his daddy and who’s one claim to fame is making one good coaching decision out of four, a coach who mostly resembled

It’s stuff like this that makes me wonder why ESPN didn’t push harder to get the EPL if only for providing Stephen A. Smith and Bayless more content for their show. Mouhrino’s at least a week or two worth of hot ESPN’ takes alone

The reason why Oakland isn’t doing much to build the Raiders (and the A’s) a new stadium is because the Raiders screwed over Oakland so much when they moved up there from LA that the whole city and county is terrified that they don’t get screwed again. The city gave up way too much, became responsible for shelling out

My guess is that only officially sanctioned skateboards would be allowed near the stadium

Your NFL Today- Not racist, just sees everyone as a commodity

That’s the conservative, Ayn Randian vision of how the free market solves all. It’s not mine (which I hope came out in my write-up) but that’s how they see it. And, yes, it’s views of the realities of what it’s like working and looking for a job have no basis in reality

Here’s there argument- a company can do what it wants to do for maternity leave and thanks to the free marketplace, the person looking for work can then choose which company to work for. So, if you want all sorts of maternity leave stuff, go work at Netflix and if , say yiu’re at a company that has crap maternity

They were, at the time, just on the verge of breaking in with the Big Boys, only to collapse at the end (including once because their team came down with food poisoning the night before a big, late season match against Arsenal) and between that and a huge predilection for self-implosion (or, as they call it, being

Because it’s a snarky comment written by yet another American soccer hipster hopping on the Arsenal bandwagon taking potshots at Spurs because that’s what Arsenal fans are supposed to do

Between this and the Fundies love of Israel do to it’s belief in the Rapture, I say as a Jew, leave us the fuck alone. Don’t even talk about Passover, Mel Brooks or pastrami sandwiches. Just Leave. Us. Alone

We should all root for Aston Villa to do well as the EPL needs Tactics Tim. The sporting world needs Tactics Tim- an endless array 0f 4-3 matches full of baffling decisions, overly exuberant celebrations on the sidelines, and post game interviews that are a mixture of pomposity, self-pity, shade throwing, and odes to

If I remember correctly, Ventura didn’t actually want to go after Ryan but felt that according to the “Unwritten Code of Baseball” he had to do it or lose face because his teammates were screaming for blood. Thus his slowing down because he was realizing exactly what he was about to do and that Ryan was the last

How much money are the Dodgers willing to spend? Right now they don’t seem to have any issues going over the luxury tax and then more money on top of that without any concern or worry.

The thing is, though, they’re kind of amazing live, easily one of the best live bands in rock history. In fact, the best concert that I’ve ever been too was in ‘84 during their Unforgettable Fire tour. But since then, it’s been the full U2 experience- a great catalogue of songs, played with great energy and uplift,