
All I can think of when I look at that screen cap is that is one tired looking President. Dude needs a nap and and a few days off.

More franchises means more bankruptcies. It’s a win-win for the NHL

Everytime I start thinking things like he’s done his penance and how I believe the PED guys should get in, so why not Rose? something like this comes up and I remember how justified MLB was in banning him from the HoF

That would mean ESPN taking time away from endless debates about things like Andrew Luck’s “eliteness” or LeBron not being a winner to discuss an actual news story, especially if it’s about baseball

I’d almost argue the opposite- if Rose bet on a game, he would actually be involved in the action. He could maybe not run out a hit. Or intentionally strike out or make an error. Manager’s don’t have as much say in the play of the game- Rose could bring in a bad pitcher, for example, in hopes he gets shelled and the

A lot of my responses as to what the show should do and what they shouldn’t do I always feel like comes down to an issue of timing. The show will always be 10 episodes long and there’s still an unbelievable amount of characters in play that need some sort of service so to add something to one storyline means cutting

I think the source material affected the show too because in the books, everyone gets scattered and the villains of the first three books (mainly Twyin and Joffrey) are dead so it feels like there’s no more center to the story. Previously, a large part of the books (and show) took place in King’s Landing where most of

Yeah, my brother did it, flirted with the really wrong political groups and while he’s wised up, he’s been Modern Orthodox for years. It’s a huge pain in the ass for everyone else to deal with.

I too did one as a kid and came away totally swallowing the myth of Israel. I went as an adult (on a singles trip even) and I kept on hearing all this stuff being said about the country and there was a whole bunch of times I kept on thinking “oh, hey, wait a minute, that doesn’t sound right.....” I actually came back

I want to hate Neymar but damnit, I can’t. He’s ridiculously talented, still a work in progress, and looks like he’s having fun. Ronaldo plays like he wants to stamp his ego on everything, Messi is inhuman, Zlatan’s just kind of nutty, but Neymar just looks happy when he’s playing.

It would depending if he started to say he was Jewish just to make Jewish jokes.

I’m guessing he was in a rush to get to Albequerque

You forgot the guy who always has to come on and say soccer’s boring. It’s one of the rules of the internet- somebody has to remind everyone that soccer is boring whenever there’s a post about it.

It’s a good way to gage the team, especially after the progress last year and right before the CONCACAF tourney in July, and see that not only did they beat the Dutch and Germany, but for the most part, they looked good in doing so (well, against Germany, mainly). It was a friendly but the US played like they deserved

I think it’s great to see that our German born players can beat their German born players

Also the show can only be 10 episodes per season so the showrunners don’t have the time to do the meticulous plotting that George can. And don’t forget George’s plotting is so meticulous a lot of the stories haven’t even been getting close to their end points yet, which is one of the reasons why so many people

I’m not a big fan of this thinking because people forget in between all the listing of sigils and dinner menus, George tries to one up himself more and more and more. Lady Stoneheart is trying to up himself. Ramsay’s letter is another moment. Everything that happens to Dany is George one-upping himself. And I’m not

I almost turned the TV off after Shireen was burned and really felt like GoT and I needed to have that talk but everything in Mereen, especially Drogon made me remember what I liked about the show. So we didn’t have that talk. And I also don’t see what they did and how they plotted it problematic, just that maybe

Please find evidence of Russia and Qatar bribing FIFA officials, please find evidence of Russia and Qatar bribing FIFA officials...

One of the main things that caused this was the decision to play the WC in Qatar was so absurd and thus so blatantly a result of bribing that even a lot of people who looked the other way were pretty much “oh, come on” about it. If the US had gotten the 2022 WC (and in some ways England in 2018), I don’t know how much