
What the hell did Harbaugh do to his players?

Or they could be retiring because Harbaugh worked them so hard in practice and games that a bunch of too players got too banged up to want to play anymore

I think I’m more surprised an NFL team spent the money to print out a form letter than the fact they’re so cold-hearted about it

Or...”showed unnecessary concern over concussions”

et tu France?

George’s attitudes towards women and sexual violence aren’t that far from the show’s (the show did inherit it’s tone from the books, after all) that I can easily see him missing Jeyne Poole

If he is still running FIFA, it’ll be from some super cushy Swiss jail after being imprisoned for several thousand charges of general corruptedness. Of course, he could still be running FIFA from there, something I wouldn’t put it past him

UEFA’s hemming and hawing over all of this has been disappointing and frustrating. My guess is that they’re all celebrating what the US did in part because it saved them the bother of having to do anything

that’ll show FIFA for awarding the 2018 and 2022 World Cups to other countries than the US because the other countries bribed them

As awful as Sansa’s rape and Gilly’s near rape was, it’s not something you could say wouldn’t have happened in the books. It’s definitely part and parcel of the world GRRM created and the show takes cues from the books tone and universe.

If you really read about what happened to Theon, it’s horrific, especially in all the endless ways GRRM has let us know what Ramsay has done to him. But since it was never detailed in the present tense, it’s easy to not dwell on it (I did- the whole thing reads like torture porn but that’s just my view). But anyways,

I find it kind of interesting that GRRM had some sort of feminist bona fides and thanks to the TV show’s bungling of the issue, everybody’s now looking at the books and discovering that they’re actually full of sexual violence, rape, and other sorts of nasty stuff too. Not saying GRRM is awful when it comes to those

I want Ballghazi to keep going. I want more footballs found and photos revealed of Bellichik personally deflating the balls while Robert Kraft and Tom Brady look on and then I want Goodell to have to issue another punishment causing Robert Kraft to end read his Dear John letter to Goodell on the FOX pregame show and

vacations are for wussy Europeans

I worked at a startup where somebody who was in charge of sales was seen furiously walking around the office talking excitedly into his phone. Despite the fact he never actually made any sales and would often not follow up on suggestions passed on to him by team members, management loved him because of all the effort

Better to piss off the entirety of one sex than Roger Goodell

How else are we going to let the world know about our awesomeness if we don’t sing about it at least once or twice a game?

Why is this a dumb “baseball” controversy when you can just say it’s a dumb controversy no matter what sport it is. If something like that happened in any other sport, there would still be controversy and if it happened in the NFL or NBA, the #hottakes would be cause California’s drought to worsen.

I always thought there was two Grantlands- the one with Wesley Morris and Bill Barnwell and Andy Greenwald and then there Simmons’ Grantland- the Mailbag, the MTV reality show infatuation, anything related to Entourage. If you took out Simmons’ stuff, you’d barely notice it was gone

The thing is FIFA makes trillions and trillions of dollars and Sepp’s done such a good job of farming out that money to football associations of poorer countries (all of whom have a vote in the FIFA election) that he’s got a lock on every election, including this upcoming one. The only way to get rid of him is if he