
I can’t believe how many people are choosing this the battle to die on. GoT is a TV show and thus geared towards what works on a TV show. It is not a military reenactment nor a show that’s supposed to depict realistic viewpoints of warfare. As for lazy writing, you need to include the thousands upon thousands upon

Go read the Nate Jackson book- a lot of the dope smoking he and his teammates did during the season was because they pills they got from their teams wasn’t strong enough to kill the pain they had during the week. And, it was also fun

as marijuana use is used by players to deal with debilitating injuries suffered through the season, the smoking of marijuana is a problem before playing in the NFL because it’s a character flaw. If a player smokes marijuana in the NFL, it’s something that needs to be hushed up lest people know why players are smoking

Be nice to her- this is probably the first basketball game she’s ever seen

Sometimes I wonder whenever a once renowned sports columnists says something stupid on ESPN is if they were that stupid before they joined ESPN or is there just something in the water there.

In the end, Goodell’s teflon-proof because the NFL is teflon-proof. The moment the country stops spending what feels like an eternity conducting endless mock drafts in preparation for a three-day televised draft event that will still attract millions of football fans with apparently nothing else to do is the moment

He also was sent to the hospital during halftime to have his head checked out so there’s that.

The NFL basically did what they do, threw some scraps at the players, waited them out until the players started getting more desperate and called the players bluff. With the added cherry on top of being able to have Peter King and Adam Schefter write about how benevolent the NFL despite the fact they once again have

I think when it gets broken down, a huge percentage of the money is going to the lawyers so the players are getting even less than that

Ironically, if the Raiders wouldn’t have fucked over the city of Oakland when they came back, they probably would have an easier chance of getting a stadium built. Unfortunately, they also fucked over the city of Oakland so much there’s no way the A’s are going to get a stadium either. So, in short, well done Raiders

I guess their medical trainer really was the issue

A bunch of exciting matchups will be on that schedule! But as we don’t have any idea how idea on how good those teams will be, they probably won’t. But we’ll talk about them for months anyways!

Barcelona’s in full Harlem Globetrotter mode, I see

WW1 was one fucked up war

Somebody’s got to give out the betting lines before the game

“But how does this affect the NFL draft?” (says millions of people and every ESPN Sportscenter for the next few days)

there’s a difference between “exonerated” Jameis Winston and “currently embroiled in lawsuit over alleged rape” Jameis Winston

That's one of the things that bugs me about fellow-book readers (I've read the books, sometimes twice). It's not like we're talking about the greatest literature in Western Civilization, we're talking about a long, sprawling series of fantasy books that goes way off the rails in the fourth book. A lot of book readers

What’s up with MLB putting together a thorough report in a few weeks? Where is the special task force and the ex-head of the FBI being brought to put together a report six months after the allegation exonerating the commissioner of the sport?

I kind of love all the whining from Pats or Yankees fans about one play here or there considering all the things they’ve won over the years. Boo hoo Yankees fans for not winning another WS during the late 90’s early 00’s and sorry to hear about the Tyree catch Simmons