
right now it's looking like Joga Bonito is back and totally kicking Tika Taka's ass. Spain looks old

I'm sure this has been said but other than one or two characters, there's no sexmules and whores on the show. Just a bunch of great female characters trying to make it through a society that isn't very kind to women and in the case of Cersei, one awful dad.

Jesus people this is silly. GoT has some of the strongest, most complex and interesting characters on TV. In fact, the women on the show are easily the more interesting and watchable characters on it and if Brienne and Kahleesi aren't two of the biggest mofo's on TV right now, I don't even know where to start.

GoT has that Harry Potter thing going on where all the kids are talented and adorable and from all accounts still exceeding normal. My favorite story is how when bored, Sophie Turner and Jack Gleason (yeah, that's right, Joffrey) will rap during set breaks with Sophie doing beat box and Jack rapping. Anyways, it

first thing I thought of when I heard about the filibuster was that Mrs. Coach was on the job

See what happens when Sally Draper gets to go to private school?

The Bay Area up until Harbaugh's appearance was the Golden Age of Bad Coaching. They had:

I actually think the problem is more related to everyone having to check their equipment or what have you in between pitches and then the pitches taking forever to throw the pitch but it's more fun to make fun of Fox

I'm pretty sure they didn't have Fox wasting hours promoting TV shows during playoff games too

Sometimes I wonder if Catelyn would have been more like my mother- "what, you never listen to your mother. You should listen to your mother more. I was the one who gave birth to you? I raised you as a kid and you're going to listen to all those schmucks who say they're your bannermen? Fine...go...the wedding. See

I'm Team Dorne too but I dread all the interchangeable characters in Easteros who's names I could never keep straight and all added pretty much nothing to anything

If you're going to go GoT, the other obvious answer would be Natalie Dormer.

I think the budget blew Moffat's big plans out of the water. Originally it was going to be a two-hour episode but the BBC mandated that it was only going to be one hour

His companion could be Lucy Davis so it'll be Tim & Dawn travelling through the universe trying to figure out what that continuous beeping noise is

she'd need a personality first

Smith is my Doctor in that he was the Doctor that hooked me on the show. He was absolutely fantastic. But that being said, it's time for a new Doctor. Also to be said, it won't really matter if Moffat's still running everything

You're forgetting the "Shawshank Redemption/Beverly Hills 90210/ or Hoosiers" Syndrome. Which is that syndrome in which everything in the universe relates to those three things

It's because it's a company that's basically a monopoly and makes gazillions and gazillions of dollars and years and is laying people off for.....reasons. Yes, millions of people get laid off but this is one of biggest and most blatant examples of how unfair and unjust it really is. It's just greed, greed, and more

I got the Timey Wimey stuff and I've learned to mainly tune out all the Moffat riddles as he's really awful at pulling it together (worse than BSG and Lost) so the problem I had with the episode was mainly that Clara's been so underwritten and underutilized that I have no attachment to her as a character. Her big

would it be wrong to say that while I agree with most of this article and really like Skyler White as a character and Anna Gunn's portrayal of her that I also can't stand Nurse Jackie? Like I want bad things to happen to her on the show.