
Adriana, even before she became a tragic figure, was more of a comic figure (just her accent alone made her funny) while Carmela was much more of a complex figure. I never got the idea that Carmela was hateable (I didn't hate her) but I didn't really like her either.

Do what it I do and watch both- Dr Who is a good palate cleanser doe everything. Also GoT does get more grueling and miserable but it's the thought that the good guys will eventually win out and the Stark kids are reunited and wind up ruling the world that makes people keep chugging along. And sometimes, good things

why it's almost like the NBA goes out of it's way to favor it's star players

I totally agree. There's a lot of interesting aspects to her character but that's it. She needs to be more developed and fleshed out more- we don't even really know why she joined the Doctor or what motivates her. Who she really is is either part of her mystery or bad writing and i guess we'll find out soon enough

I've seen this debate all over the place and a lot of it comes down to the fact Moffat seems to have a certain type of woman he likes to create, call them Manic Pixie Companions. They're all fast talking, arch, strong willed, clever- like Amy, River, Clara's past and future incarnations, Reinette from the Girl in the

He's using Dr Who for evil, that soulless bastard

Wait, so there's diving in other sports besides soccer? I'm shocked and I'm sure we'll see that mentioned the next time some columnist hates on soccer by writing about all the diving

The problem I have with Civ is that when I go rampaging through the game, my townsfolks get all get all pissy and start to riot or worse, starve. So I hold back and play the game straight and find myself in a situation where for the last two centuries, I'm basically building railroad tracks and factories the entire

Wow, even Drew's been sucked into the Jennifer Lawrence love. She's like this evil, demonic succubus using her powers of adorableness and the power of saying goofy things on late night talk shows to make everyone want to be her best friend (which we totally are- Jen, call me!). She's diabolical, that JLaw.

because we're not really a serious Democracy?

By "least interesting" do you mean not involving one of those precious east coast teams?