Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

If you want to know what happens when you breed with your relatives, look no further than the royal houses of Europe and their assortment of living freaks and maniacs. Incest is never cool because it crosses way too many boundaries for it to be healthy. These two sound like their sexualized what should've been a

Dude. You're not wrong.

It feels as though I’ve spent all year listening to a surreal manifesto

Fish sundae bicycle splat.

You are describing my in-laws in Idaho to a tee.

New hat: “Trump 2016! What he MEANT was...”

literal lol, and also a little gag for the mental image. *hork, hurrrr*

I like Montreal.

Yeah, that’s the river.

Sure it does, it’s called the Camden neighborhood.

He was on “Angie Tribeca” last week!

All the most recent stuff I've heard about him has involved online stalking Hillary Duff and supporting/not supporting Trump.

I only know about him because of’s “Behind the Music That Sucks”. They had Aaron Carter sitting on a toilet for the cover of “My Party”.

His life consists of being too smart for the rest of us.

I worked on an indie film once and the funding was never there completely so after three weeks of not being paid the crew shut it down. The film was almost completely shot. However, there were two days of film still in possession by the camera dept. Being the great guys they were they gave me, one of two PA’s the film

I’m embarrassed to say that when I saw the title of the article my first thought was “Why replace her with a man?” Stupid subconscious ingrained prejudices.

They can get rid of Colonel Mustard before Mrs. White.

Philly has lots of A/C-less indoors areas. My apartment has shit.