Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

This is fair. I’m biased because I am also an old drunk lady who is very jealous of Graham’s body, and I feel like it takes one to know one.

His profession required that he be able to detach. It’s hard to slice open someone’s head, otherwise.

My theory is that Republican politicians are either sociopaths or narcissists. Republican voters, on the other hand, are either very rich or very dumb.

We used to have a joke about neurosurgeons: “What is the difference between God and a neurosurgeon?” Punchline: “God doesn’t think he’s a neurosurgeon.”

They all blame Kristen for being a “crazy bitch” last season. But HELLO! She knew deep down that Tom had cheated on her, but he denied, denied, denied. Then he starts cozying up to the girl he cheated with, and STILL denies it. Then he leaves Kristen for Ariana and they all act like Kristen is totally unjustified for

Part of it is probably personality and the fact that he was a neurosurgeon for so long, and there is some detachment of emotions from life in general when you do that kind of work, but I think on a basic level, for me, he is lacking in kindness and common sense. To minimize and deny Barack Obama’s experiences as a

I mean he is a surgeon.

Must have lost his empathy along with his soul when he became a Republican. It happens.

Gee, it’s almost as if there isn’t a singular “Black American experience”, and that we are not a monolithic group with a hive mind. It’s funny that one of the few times we hear Ben Carson talk about “real racism” is when he’s using it to try to discredit another Black person. Not altogether surprising though.

IIRC: Lisa/Ken are buds with James’ parents. They all go way back. When James came to LA, his mom/dad asked them to give James a job, which they did (ah, the good ole days when he was a busser and his ego was in check!). I think that, aside from making money off of his antics, Lisa feels some responsibility to her

Because Lisa and Ken manage his music “career.” (Are you laughing out loud?)

OMG. That’d be the worst, right... a few weeks after your last time with the goat, and she calls. Nothing too incriminating that you can’t explain to your true love - just someone you met at the petting zoo. But then the late night phone calls, she’s wondering if you couldn’t maybe drop by a bit earlier than every 3

First time? Traumatic. You sweat uncontrollably. You can’t make eye contact anymore. What have you done.

One of my favourite French singer (French/American really) is Rosemary from the Moriarty group. I really love her voice (and the songs).

.....elle s’appelle mademoiselle T. Swift......

Clearly I’ve been online for way too long now.

Thats what really counts

Oh God please help me because I’m not surprised to read that there is hentai with shitting dick nipples

I know, right?