Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

My best friend lives by them and has seen them both fursuiting. Multiple times. (How’s that?)

My mom’s obgyn said older pregnancies without fertility treatment intervention are on the rise nowadays just because women are staying healthier, longer. Still rare, but celebs have better health than most of us just by virtue of having more money. So it’s possible but yeah, highly highly unlikely Gwen’s actually

My mom has an uncle that is younger than her because my great grandmother thought she was too old to get pregnant at could happen. I'm not putting too much stock in it given Jennifer Aniston's 800,000 tabloid reported pregnancies, but it's not impossible.

No, it’s “Southern Comfort Food” and if you’re looking for booze in your drink options you will be sorely disappointed. Soft drinks only.

so wait they don’t sell the cheese there eitheR?

my world is collapsing in on itself.

I’m Rylo Ken and I approve this post.

I guess so. This is why I’m not in PR or marketing or advertising.


All the news you need to know.

Well thank you very much, dear! This is why you’re my favorite. Some of my kids are... well, I’ve had a lot of eggnog so let’s just say it. They’re as cute as a basket of kittens and at least half as smart. Bless their little hearts.

Yeah, Your Mom must have been busy for the holidays. I haven’t seen her around.

I was such a weirdo nerd that for a long time as a kid I totally thought “I have to be an alien right? That’s the only explanation”

My brother is 2 years younger and I told him we bought him from Russia, and that my parents just picked a number out of a hat, and were given a corresponding baby. In his case, baby 4472 ( I don’t know why that number but for some reason I was able to keep that straight all those years even though I totally made this

When I was a little kid, I told my big brother (and many others) that he was adopted because he was blond/green-eyed and we were all brown-haired/brown-eyed. I didn’t realize how incredibly cruel that sounded until years later. Ah, recessive genes...

To be fair, if those are her exact words, your mom didn’t actually deny being a space alien. Did she?

Double check on your family. Ted Cruz lurks.

My parents never told me any of the things my brother did to me when I’d been very small. From photographic evidence—and mysterious scars—I can’t imagine how many secrets they must be keeping, almost fifty years later. Though my uncle has revealed the few he knows about.

Depending on the sibling? It’s a fine line.

Older siblings can be truly awful. My eldest sister told me I was adopted in an attempt to make me cry. The problem is that our other sister and I look similar. And we also have interracial parents. So the end result was that she was grounded.

My kids believe my brother is a space alien my mom rescued from a crashed ship.