Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

Is this a rhetorical question? Because if not, I actually liked New Coke, as I can separate the artist (cosbo) from the product. The product being Aspertain.

That is flipping OUTRAGEOUS. No standup here has the gall to charge nearly £60 for a ticket. Not even someone like Eddie Izzard. Wow - the more you know about Amy Poehler, the less you like.

Thanks. I was looking for this repsonse.

Pfft, Kelly, my cat put himself in the washing machine. Rookie.

I think it was just an amateurishly constructed and poorly edited article (I’m mean, I guess). Ideally Jezebel would not willfully defend a rapist, but this was how I read the first chunk: “This loving mother of two RAPED a disabled man. She says she didn’t rape him. She could be sentenced to the same jail time as a

Ah, but us insiders would! :)

Yes, you’re right. I just meant that there may be a sub-set Devoteeism coupled with Nightingale effect in cases like these - “I’m going to be this person’s one communicative link to the outside world! Even if it means shutting out other caregivers and maybe also completely making shit up!”

“Things were great until that no talent assclown started winning Grammys” Swift told reporters.

my brother’s name is kevin bacon and i always use it when i make reservations at restaurants. the look on the maitre d’s face when i show up is always priceless.

A charity your heirs hate so you still get the spite factor!

Or not anonymously to stick it to them even more. Perhaps even donated it in their honor.

We all want what we don’t have.

My bad, I’ve been responding to you and acorn simultaneously, and acorn was a bit more, um, pointed in her criticism.

Thank you! The irony. The fucking blinding irony.

Oh, I don’t doubt that it happens. And I didn’t say it shouldn’t be discussed. Not at all. It still doesn’t change the fact that you came on a forum that is supposedly addressing any and all nurses and expected them to answer for some very specific slights that were directed toward you personally. And we only have

Me too! But I loved seeing all the people here and on Facebook encouraging everyone to go out and vote.

I was definitely the youngest person by about 45 years when I went and voted last time (nothing to vote on this time around).

I’m 28 and work full-time. Yesterday I used my lunch hour to go vote. At my polling place (in a New England city who, with suburbs, has a population somewhere around 500k), there were roughly 6 other people there to vote, along with myself and my GF.

People obviously need a fucking reminder...

I live in a state that expanded Medicaid and am about to move to a state that did not. This means that unless I make over $12K next year (which will be tough since I am going to be laid off on December 31st, and unemployment benefits suck in my state), I will receive NO subsidy at all through It