Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

TOtal disagree. He only did two good movies, Fast Times and Say Anything (and I think I’m giving Say Anything a nostalgia pass). Everything else is utter crap. Came to say that Elizabethtown doesn’t even have the platonic ideal MPDG in a Crowe movie. That “honor” goes to Penny Lane, who did not even have a somewhat

that movie is so incredibly depressing and nihilistic, but she is glorious and heartbreaking in it

I hate that they keep hinting like he’s going to come down from the sky in a glittery cape. Do they need the ratings that badly? Because if this happens it’ll just be embarrassing.

For me there’s only one Hail Caesar, and it was a mid 90s Anthony Michael Hall vanity project co-starring Iron Man and Nick Fury

Mte. I was telling a friend of mine that I think Damon is going through a mid-life crisis. He can’t and won’t shut up. I thought he was a really smart (Harvard educated!! If that means anything), thoughtful dude for the longest. Funny what a good PR team can do.

I though Mark Wahlberg was the douchey Matt Damon. But apparently Matt Damon is the douchey Matt Damon.

Maybe he’s dying? He doesn’t seem to give a fuck anymore...

He did such a good job of tricking us into liking him for all those years. Now I’m disappointed.

I think he’s having a mid-life crisis and his handlers can’t, you know, handle him anymore. Think of Tom Cruise in the early ‘00s.

I know: he’s let me down badly. I was just getting to think of him as the brains and the heart of the Affleck/Damon unit, but now he’s just

He loves the sound of his own voice sOoOoOo much that he rarely thinks before he speaks, and what comes out is pretentious nonsense.

Haha I know- my dorky boots I got when I was 14 because I lived 15 minutes from Bean’s are TOTALLY IN now, guys!

It’s not the style (I mean, honestly, they aren’t that great looking), it’s the quality. They are seriously well made boots and if they ever fall apart you can always return them and get your money back or exchange them for brand new ones. Not that you’ll need to. They’ll last you 20 winters, easy. They have a bunch

Living in/being from NE has made me completely unaware of them being so popular elsewhere. They are the best boots though!

Sorry but the only founders of this country were God and his son Ronald Reagan.

I thought she was pretty kind to Kendra & dismissed any of her bad behavior as being young, uneducated and stuck in a really weird situation. Holly was way harder on lots of the other girls.

Bridgett got good press in Holly’s book apparently so I think if anyone thought to ask she’d most likely side with Holly. Remember of all the girls on Kendra has any relationship with Hef and its a damn creepy one (he gave her away at her wedding).

To be fair the one nobody is talking about in all this is Bridget (who apparently Holly is very complimental too). Who is quite intelligent and well educated (despite playing dumb on TV) she has a masters in psychology I think she’s the most self aware and just trying to move past it. As I said Holly clearly is

St James lost almost all credibility with me by trying to claim that proof of Holly being “crazy” and “weird” is that she had anal sex with Hefner. You'd have to be a total rube to 1. Think that makes someone more likely to be a liar and 2. To believe St James and all other girlfriends were too good as people to ever