Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

Early-mid 00s here and they were saying the same exact spiel here that I heard over 10 years ago. Welcome youngins, this is the merry go round of life.

I didn’t realize there were other old people on here. I was in college 87-91 and can corroborate your opinion on PC killing comedy.

its generational

Not as batshit crazy as when he said that God smote the Space Shuttle Columbia for our lack of support for Israel.

I’m just imagining a Quebecois, an out gay man and a very tired history PhD all looking at each other and grimly shaking their heads.

That’s...impressively wrong.



I disagree about the Clintons and DOMA. Clinton signed DOMA only because the next year was an election year, period! A Constitutional Amendment would have NEVER passed...the Republicans didn’t have nearly enough seats in Congress and no way would 2/3 of the States have passed it either, even back then. It was a

Why aren’t they? Because women always complain about unisex bathrooms when they’re the norm in gay establishments.

WOO Bisexual privilege!

Run on a “a pancake in every pot” platform and you’ll win in a landslide. Or lose in a landslide.

I’m straight but don’t really care who I’m sharing a bathroom with. Can I use the gay bathroom if there is no line?

That, is a very Clinton-esque answer ;)

Separate but equal; where have I heard that before?

Why did you change your name, BTW? Or are you a fan of Snacktastic?

I consider myself a social democrat, especially on economic issues and I make no excuses for the Clintons; they’re pretty despicable. What Clinton did on welfare “reform”, gutting Glass-Steagall, signing DOMA when he could have vetoed it, Don’t Ask Don’t I said, he is despicable and his wife is as much of

People obsess over the strangest shit.