
People seem to not know what Team ICO actually is. Let me tell you. Team ICO is an internal development team at Sony Computer Japan. It's not an independent development team. It's basically made up of 15 guys. Team ICO has always been really small so it's not this huge money vacuum.

This is excellent news. Tomb Raider was one of my favorite games last year. Waiting on the inevitable Multiplatform confirmation and I'll be set.

It totally sounds like her.

I think those are solar reflectors. You could call them "solar panels" but the colloquial usage of that is for photovoltaics.

She clearly offers herself up for the greater good. That's not an atrocity, that's sacrifice. And she is clearly fine with that.

Thanks man. You know I'm ok with people not agreeing with me but if they do I expect them to at least engage me. I'm open for a discussion because I know the game can be read from different angles.

What's young for you? I'm not a teenager if that's what you are asking.

I guess in have to refile that. I acknowledge your point of view but I can't accept it. You can justify almost anything that way, from torture to genocide. That's why it's not an acceptable system of ethics.
We are not just sentient beings. We have decided to live by certain rules and that some actions aren't

Ehh. I'm pretty sure I do. Look up Kant's categorical imperative.

At the very least it shows that people care and that stories matter and the "The Last of Us" in particular matters. I'm happy to get a reaction even if it's a negative one. That's why I rarely desmiss a reply.

Ok. Let me file that under "barkercrombie's opinion: ignore until further notice".
Look man. I'll happly accept that you don't agree with, hell even, don't like what I have to say but if you are interested in anything other than wasting my and your own time you should at least elaborate on why my argument is a "load of

I would say Tommy's town is the last bastion and savior of humanity, not the Fireflies or their surgeons who somehow forgot everything their medical ethics class ever taught them. It's not worth loosing our humanity to save it. At least that's how I like to see it. There's more than one angle. We can get into Joel's

OK. Sorry about that but I have to say it's pretty nice in here.

Airtight reasoning. You totally convinced me that I was wronger than wrong.

Why does that matter? Engage my argument, don't invoke my age.

Actually he saves humanity. Spoilers! No action built on an act of atrocity is ever righteous. If humanity was saved because it killed an innocent girl then it never deserved saving.

Edit. See above or below (where ever Kinja decides to put it)

Multiple takes. Close ups and wide shots. Once with shoe once without. The absence of shoes doesn't prove the CGI or disprove it. It's actually to be expected.

The way our culture defines male sexuality is problematic to say the least. We’re constantly beset with conflicting messages about just how a man is supposed to be, sexually. Male sexuality is equally something to be scoffed at, ashamed of and celebrated… as long as you don’t deviate from the accepted norm.