
The day before my birthday. That's great at least I'll have some distraction from Valentin Day-misary.

I understand. The anger is completely justified but insults like that just degrade the conversation and don't help anyone. We're all awesome here so no need for this undignified behavior. -tips top hat, adjusts monocle and thanks graciouse conversation partner-

That was too much man. The intro is totally of base but "cunt" isn't called for.

Dat tasty Javascript.

What you say sound perfectly logical to me but this is concept art and it's job is evoke mood and visualize the style of the game. In the game itself though Lara only draws after she has a target. So thy got it right when it counts.

Oh you're one of those people. Winning is winning. Jezbellend's or anyone's arbitrary judgment on how a team wins game is completely irrelevant. If you can't admit that a 11/12 Terry, Cahill, Luiz, Ivanovic and Cole are better than the current aging ManU back-4 than you are beyond help.

Not even close. The 2012/13 Chelsea was definitely better than the current Manchester United. Better center defenders. Better full backs. Better central midfielders. Better wingers/attacking midfielders and a more consistent and available big game Stricker.

What a twist.

I'm so disappointed that the Akira 25th Anniversary Blu-Ray is region locked. I was this close to buying it before I checked. It was in my cart and I was about to ckeckout and everything. I really want it.

For me it's complicated. There are some series I read in trade and as such I'm always 8 issues behind but I still would put them in any end of year list. For me the list goes like this:

Someone doesn't understand the movie I see.

Epilepsy alert on that gif man.

My biggest issue with this dude isn't his contempt for the poor (even though that alone is reason enough to metaphorically light the torches) but his severely lacking grasp of reason, cause and effect and logical thinking.

There's some dreadful voice acting in those minutes. Nevermind the gravity defining breasts.

That list is very good.

Polygon called Resogun a Bullit Hell if that means anything to ya.

Ok. I'm just always surprised that generally people don't know about the start-menu thing. I guess most gamers stopped checking the start-and select-menus sometime around 2009.

Puling the cable is a drastic move. You know you could have just gone to the start (or select can't remember) menu and declined the terms and conditions of online play and that would have turned of the coop right? The game specifically gives you the option to play alone.

Actually, they are a second party studio.