“I don’t have a pension, why should they?”
He’s also extremely pro-Israel and even had Bigby give a monologue about how bad ass of a country it is because of how it “strikes back” at threats against it. Guys got some shitty views
Since the article weirdly doesn’t mention anything about it: Willingham is a woman-hating far right asshole who was a huge industry insider for the Comicgate people, and Fables includes stuff like Snow White being forcibly impregnated by the Big Bad Wolf when they’re both drugged, who then refuses to let her have an…
“No, you don’t get it. Americans are fucking crazy. If we don’t cut this, they’ll be screaming about us in their next presidential debate. For real.”
the site isn’t read only, just certain subreddits.
Any Hollywood production that includes the US military is paid by said military to make them look good. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the same within the games industry to a degree too. If you are going to boycott over Russia doing it, then boycott all American made films with military representation too.
State propaganda? In a video game? Well, I never!
Damn, if only the UK, France and US had worked with the USSR in the mid 30s to stop the ramp-up of the Nazi war machine instead of preferring to take their chances on the capitalist Nazis instead of the “evil” communists.
Nah, their storytelling instincts were bang-on, this would be tedious and diminish the themes of the work.
Speaking of ‘Cancel Culture,’ I wonder how many games have just been canceled by Microsoft’s layoff culture >_>
God this is atrocious “criticism” of the type where simply identification of a trope somehow equals bad storytelling. Did the writer get his education about film from cinemasins? And why start off an article about a game by admitting you don’t even know when it was released and didn’t have enough initiative to simply…
It’ll go round and round, sometimes with a load of outright falsehoods, with which you’re supposed to get discouraged by researching all the facts to counter, or it’ll be partials and omissions.
“I don’t need to contend with polling and statistics from Harvard, bcuz i am smrtr than harvard.
On another angle, I’ll point to the “Chinese Communist Party”, that governs China, but only seems to have the authoritarian part down, without any of the communist parts that benefit the people of the country. Another label that doesn’t fit.
Joan Rivers didn’t have pretensions of being more than catty gossip, which this article clearly does.
Wow amazing to see all these comments saying “yes, communism is the best, but...” series of anti communist rhetoric propagated from capitalists and Nazis.
Well isnt that a coincidence. The day after a damning report SUDDENLY theyre deciding to say the person they fired sexually assaulted someone.