That biker dude is AWESOME!
That biker dude is AWESOME!
Wait...Timbaland is fat again?
You mean the palace? You're 60 % through I think. But since that was a week ago I assume you're already finished. Hope you enjoyed it.
QTEs almost disappear completely after the halfway point so don't worry too much. I really loved the game. Its definitely going to be in my top 3 of the year but that isn't saying much since I'm probably going to only buy 5 games this year.
Plus he ... like takes care of most of the music side of hip hop. I don't think there is one album of his that hasn't gotten some kind of wide critical praise in one form or other.
Haha. That was great.
What is this sorcery?
So Vin Diesel and Michelle Rodriguez can fly now?
يا فتاة
صديق عزيز Ryan Gosling
If anyone is looking for Arabic lessons just hit me up.
This seems relevant.
Remember when F1 engines used to be huge? Speaking of, the reintroduction of turbos is going to be an interesting challenge from perspective of the air inflow to the engine.
Consider that most of the teams in F1 history operated in the same way, including Mclaren once upon a time.
I read your other post and .... I'm still not convinced.
Might not be that limited.…
I think in cases like this admissibility has no priority for the FBI. The US executive branch have been playing fast and loose with the rights of detainees for a while now anyway, from disregard of Habeas corpus to torture. For me it's not about just being Mirandaized or about this case in particular but about the…
And in my un-American opinion that's the wrong attitude to have. This should be a time of reflection, introspection and thought of how things like this could be avoided and of the tolls it took. Going into celebration mode only distorts the situation and it goes into "business as usual". In the aftermath you guys…