
It looks like the story really is never ending! Lionel Hutz is going to lose this case again! 

There was a 2015 movie that used a similar concept. Air. It had Norman Reedus, and Djimon Hounsou. While that one was more suspense, Breathe seems to go into the more action territory. My feeling is that Breathe will be on the same level as Air. Could’ve been better. Might as well just connect the two and find/make

Huh - Jim Caviezel starred in series where he was the only sane man, persecuted by nameless, arbitrary forces in a surreal landscape where he was increasingly out of step with everyone around him, with only his own beliefs to sustain him.

When has the star of any Jurassic Park movie ever been a mammal?

Holy shit, so many cliches. And the cherry on top is that her name is “Atlas Shepherd”.

Who is asking for the Rey movie? All the people who didn’t buy the ST toys that were left to languish on the clearance isle or in scrapyards?

Im giving Dementus +2 points for utilizing a radial aircraft engine in his motorcycle but -10 for the Walmart shower curtain cape.

Are you kidding me? What you mean to say is that popular media no longer contains politics that you like.

All media is political, it’s ridiculous to act otherwise.

Not sure I agree with your Newsmax police work given the biggest box office hit of 2023 (to shake your snowflake brain, this is a transgender Barbie):

Aren’t there also still rights issues about a standalone Hulk movie? That Universal owns the distribution rights or something?

That would require them to acknowledge that intersex people exist and they can’t do that within the mental framework they’ve created.

I mean, if a character has the ability to instantaneously change their body at will, I feel like it would be stranger for them NOT to be non-binary.

Even by TERFs own rules, they wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.

“Your gender is determined by your biology! Sex and gender are the same!”

“My biology says that I can change

In my mind, the ideal way to handle it would be to have the Surfer appear at the end of Avengers: Secret Wars, or at the beginning of FF: Insert Pithy Sequel Title Here, and let the Four spend their second movie trying to get more info from him while facing down whatever Doom’s plot du jour is, flowing smoothly into

Jeff Sneider claims that Galactus is the villain Marvel will build the Fantastic Four movie around, with Javier Bardem allegedly being considered for the role

No, the three young ladies are not going to become Spider-Women, because if there is any justice or goodness left in the world, this whole thing will be brushed aside and forgotten.

Sony could have kept on partnering with Disney and kept on raking that sweet, sweet MCU cash, but they had to go this ridiculous route instead. While Disney certainly has figured out how to blow up their own party with their loss of direction, they certainly could have just churned Spider-Man: xxxx xxx Home movies

Was there anyone who actually thought Star Trek: Legacy was going to happen? Alex didn’t come up with the idea, therefore, it will never happen! I said this from day one, and was mocked openly. But if Kurtzman didn’t come up with it, it will never happen. 

Yeah, does that “This is the most EXTREME thing ever, brah” marketing ever work? Usually it just sets one up for disappointment.

See you’re saying preferring “Mean tweets and cheap gas”
but what you would actually do by voting for Trump is:
Vote for a Dude who lied about the election and incited an insurrection
Vote against bodily autonomy for women
vote for a guy who said protestors should be shot
Vote for a regression in the treatment of LGBTQ

Hey folks, want to avoid this predicment? As cliche as it sounds there is one way to do so. VOTE and not for the Grand Old Pushovers.

Yes Biden has issues but the alternative is flat our destructive for everyone. Staying at home is just as bad (see 2000 and 2016).

I really don’t care what your hot take is, do not forget