
a new image of Kamala Khan reacting negatively to Goose in The Marvels.

That looks like a Katamari of every single piece of sci-fi and fantasy produced over the past 60 years. He’s not even being clever and trying to hide it...not that Snyder has ever been subtle, but that was beyond the pale blatant.

Because you cannot insert whatever bonkers idea comes into your head into a “normal” movie.

I feel like I just watched a trailer for 4 completely separate movies squished together into one video.

I thought the same thing, plus Batman Begins, Thor, Breath of the Wild, Avatar, John Carter, Prisoner of Azkaban. But mostly Star Wars.

The director’s cut will be three times as long. Not because of restored scenes, but because of all the slow-mo.

Looks like a movie shot to make a trailer.

‘We have Star Wars at home’

This Gladiator remake is really something.

Snyder fans have already declared Rebel Moon the greatest movie ever and are demanding a director’s cut.

Just going to out on a limb here and say that McDonalds wrote a bigger check than BK?

A movie entirely in infrared? Isn't there a faster way to just burn out my retinas? The concept sounds horrendous and that still does nothing to convince otherwise. Gimmickry for its own sake?

Noooo!! That was one of the best adaptations of any William Gibson work... Hopefully they can shop it around and find a new studio.

As I understand it, the unions don’t support consumer action (yet) because it could lead to more cancellations of in-progress shows.

This was a great adaptation. The studios will return to find the audience found something else to do besides streaming and TV. They’re cutting their own throats.


Well Damn.

Deadline reports Madeline Zima (Doom Patrol)....”

Venom aside, I continue to question the decision to make movies about Spider-Man villains - specifically ones whose powers are unique foils to Spider-Man - without Spider-Man in them.

Man I’ve liked a lot of L&M’s creative output in the past but after hearing how folks felt working on that movie, I am giving a massive side eye when the boss man says that employees were just so exuberant about the work that they just couldn’t help themselves from doing even more of it.