
Clicked to see: Andor Trailer.

Karate Kid Movie

Sony: “We’re gonna make this movie to piggyback on the goodwill and popularity on a universe/show that is doing gangbusters online.”

People: “Cool! Are the creators of the show involved? The cast? I mean it is a ‘return to the original franchise.’”

Creators: “What?!?! This is the first we’ve heard of it.”

That trailer for Andor is awful. Why the hell would you advertise a prequel by thoroughly recapping the films after it?

It couldn’t have released at a worse time. I know the last thing my wife and I wanted to watch was the same incompetence, greed and self-interest we were seeing in the early COVID response played for laughs, just as the reality of the pandemic was taking shape. Now I’m just dead inside, so perhaps it will illicit an

They knew what they were doing. Showing it once, then taking it down (following a cease and desist) is a nice bit of free publicity for TIFF.

I’m sorry, but if “ur” hoping to be considered professional, don’t use txt-speek when discussing “ur” movie. This whole thing makes me feel like the movie only premiered to be taken down, to get articles like this written, and inspire some kind of stupid “Snyder Cut” reaction.

Honestly that makes me happy. I harbor an intense, mostly irrational dislike for “reaction videos”, so the less of them cluttering up my YouTube feed the better.

It looks pretty amateurish, if the trailer’s any indication; and also very derivative of official Joker/Harley/Batman films. The trans/dysphoria angle is an interesting and different take, but the execution doesn’t look great. Maybe the filmmakers can use this to get more work, more resources, and get better at what

I am so sick of the coverage of shitty horror movies on io9. How is that science fiction, fantasy, futurism, or even remotely in line with CJA & AN's vision?

I wouldn’t mind seeing David Tennant as Kilgrave again, he could be a pretty spectacular threat if he started using his insanely OP abilities for something less petty than his own immediate self-gratification.

Daredevil: Born Again must include Alice Eve as Typhoid Mary. This demand is non-negotiable.

They could have called it “Generic Treasure Hunt Show” and it would have both been more descriptive of this cast and plot and less bland than “Edge of History”.

That caption is the realest shit I ever read...

The stage was set for the Alan Parsons Project, which I believe was some sort of hovercraft…”

Why are you pissing on a show when the built-in audience for your article is the show’s fanbase? I don’t click on a story about She-Hulk to read someone complaining about She-Hulk, unless the article is framed as a critique. Seriously, get it together. Get some editors. Anything.

What I remember is that she was Molly Millions in all but name. Maybe not the complete badass from the short story, but Hollywood may not have been ready for the full Molly in 1995.

I figured the name change was just due to some legal obligations.

Does anybody know the full story?

Wasn’t Molly Millions in Johnny Mnemonic? She fights the guy with the thumb laser...or am I just remembering the short story?

“uneven writing (and the frankly distracting VFX work) has made it hard to find her Jen Walters more than passingly pleasant to watch”

Can anyone explain to me why Hollywood has such a hard on for The Crow? The first movie was a modest success for the time; I think a lot of people saw the movie purely out of morbid curiosity because of what happened to Brandon Lee. Anyway they fast-tracked a sequel, with a new lead actor, and it was terrible. Then

Wait...I had no idea this was even happening. If only there were a website that talked about scifi entertainment where I could find out about such things!