
OK, yeah it’s a little indirect, but electricity would probably start failing soon after “all oil is gone.” Kinda depends on how the oil ends (I’m not wasting precious seconds of my life watching that trailer).

Last Night:

Matthew "I punch women" Fox is back on TV?! Why?

It’s def more of an anti vax thing

The show had production delays last year because of covid outbreaks, which is why eps aired

Ah to live in the alternate universe where Oscar Isaac and Krysten Ritter are Gomez and Morticia Addams...

He’s had mental health issues and is also anti-vax.  It’s unclear which of the two is the “personal reason” in question.  Although to be fair the second one could be classified as a mental health issue too.

He matches the OG depiction of Gomez, but... lord ha’mercy that hair just does not work...

I loved you in ........

This. The show was a bloodless exercise in dot-connecting. Kid Leia was the one interesting choice they made, though they wrote her really poorly.

“Do you want to see more? Let us know below.”

Obi-Wan Kenobi was a show filled with memorable fan-favorite moments

“It was going to be a story about me and Luke,” McGregor said. “It was always going to be that, and that was one of the genius moments where everyone went, ‘Wait a minute,’ and then changed it.”

The first season was pretty fun (probably because it was intended for HBO Max), but it went downhill pretty dramatically in the 2nd season.

I’ve thought the same thing about Olivia Cook every time I’ve seen her in the trailers, and have no idea why. I have no clue who she is and didn’t even know her name before you shared it, but something about her looks… is off. She looks like a women named Karen from a comedy TV show like New Girl or something. In Game

The UFO in that She-Hulk clip looks suspiciously like the Grandmaster’s ship from Thor Ragnarok.

“ Hey, Leslie. Sorry I torpedoed your big break and made you a scapegoat for a bunch of drunk weirdos on Youtube. But, I do have this sassy best friend role I think you’d be perfect for. You in?

Quietly sending an actor to rehab doesn’t work when law enforcement is actively looking to question them about traveling with a teenager who’s parents say went missing after they began a sexual relationship.

Noted sex pest and actual groomer of underage girls Chris D’elia was replaced as the helicopter pilot in Army of the Dead by Tig Notaro, who filmed all her scenes after shooting wrapped without meeting any of the primary cast of the film.

io9 and AV Club coverage frequently overlaps, especially when it’s anything on Disney+, so I don’t buy the “well AV Club already reviewed it” line. The silence from io9 is weird. The Sandman is an adaptation of a hugely influential and highly regarded work. I guess their posts covering the trailers didn’t get enough

Does that spell doom for our hero and her people?