
I did not like the extended format. Not sure why, but the episodes that went much over an hour dragged more than a bit and seemed like they could have used some more judicious editing.

Can someone, anyone, please explain why I would want to watch a show created by and starring a human refuse pile, regardless of how well it superficially rips of Star Trek?

I’ll believe that Peacemaker Season 2 hasn’t been shelved when I see the first episode. A lot can change between now and then.

Other services drop episodes at 9 p.m., which would feel more like a tune-in event as opposed to “I gotta stay up and watch this so when I log on to Twitter in the morning it’s not spoiled.” Streaming mouse gods, take mercy on our sleep schedules, please.

Will Jared Leto insist on being dead to play the role of Hatbox Ghost?

Honestly I’d say the show was off the rails in the very first episode with Archie fucking Ms. Grundy.


I wonder if people also yell out “Father!!!” and pump their fist down at him.  

It’s the little things that bring joy to life, like being able to read Matt Berry quotes in Matt Berry’s voice.

So Todd McFarlane is willing to turn down a sure thing (a streaming series), in favor of something that’s never going to happen (an interconnected franchise)?

During a recent interview with Comic Book, Todd McFarlane revealed he’s had “the conversation” about converting his long-threatened Spawn movie into a streaming series. However, he is personally against it.

Rob Zombie’s Munsters, still looking and sounding like it was filmed on an early 2000s video camera...

Yeah, video games are fun because they’re games. Story and atmosphere are vitally important but that doesn’t mean you can transplant them to another medium without losing something in the process.

I’d be down for another Tomb Raider with Alicia Vikander. She’s a great actress and I thought she was well cast in the first one. The script was just painfully boring. Make a new one with an original story rather than half following the reboot game’s story and it could be a lot of fun.

SDCC notes that it will be enforcing these rules and will have the power to kick anyone out who does not follow them. May’s Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim, California, and Anime Expo, held earlier this month in Los Angeles, had similar rules in place.

For folks who have never been, pre-COVID, it was routine to have more than 100,000 people in the main hall on Saturdays. There’s a high ceiling and ventilation fans doing their best, but it’s an absolute steambath of everyone else’s breath in there.

Just fyi for anybody visiting, the city has not restored mask mandates for public transport so be careful on the trolleys and buses.

and get your boosters if you have not already done so. 

Hit the nail RIGHT on the head.

The Munsters looks like a porn parody without the porn.