
I’ve never read Jordan’s books, so forgive me if I’m missing some important distinction, but it’s bizarre to me that Amazon are doing a Lord of the Rings show, and yet have chosen to simultaneously produce a show that looks like nothing more than a knock off of it.

I dunno, I’ve read the series several times, and this trailer just feels...uninspired?

I’m a little surprised, but I haven’t missed theatres.

Am I supposed to feel sympathy? She should try dealing with student loan debt without any influx of Marvel money. Minimal as it may be compared to actors’ salaries, it's still a heck of a lot more than I make in state government IT.

I really disliked the fixed point in time stuff. Doctor Who just about gets away with it, but it felt really stupid and out of place here.

They should have just released this on Hulu this summer.  It’s not like the second film was even close to as good as the first, and though this one shows promise, I think it would be better served with an attached day and date streaming premiere.  Mainly because after nearly 2 years, I just want to see the damn movie

Rhys Ifans appears to be having fun chewing the scenery...

Likely double checking everything for The Franchise insurers, plus they may still be extra cautious she doesn’t pick anything up while there, if she’s still anti-vaxx.

IIRC she made some transphobic comments too, didn’t she? Honestly disappointed Shuri wasn’t recast. Disney shouldn’t tolerate intolerance.

Hospitalized with “minor injuries”?

The docs and other patients better hope she’s vaxxed.

The core of the 20,000 Leagues narrative is the protagonists piecing together the backstory and goals of Captain Nemo. Like, he’s a mysterious figure with mysterious goals, and an ominous mien. Most of the conflict is peeling back those layers and uncovering his backstory.

I think the real thing that made Dune and foundation “unfilmable” was technology. Back in the day, even with a big budget, you couldn’t do the worlds described in the books justice. Foundation has a few other issues like it’s ever changing characters, but that’s easy enough to remedy in sci-fi (clones, descendants

Tagline: If you though Dune was unfilmable, get a load of this!

I’ll be interested to see if the movie can make a more convincing case with the non-interference, because it seems like “We were told not to!” is kind weaksauce given the events of the MCU and so on.

It looks... fine? I don’t know. I’m a huge Eternals fan but I’m just not feeling it with this one still. It feels so clinical and slick and I’m just not getting much from the trailers that makes me really want to see the movie. The Deviant designs also feel kind of Snydery? Does that make sense? I’m sure it’ll be fine


Look at the picture of those costumes.

So I guess Lord of the Rings got all the cash and Wheel of Time had to settle with scraps? I know these are just first look images, but it looks pretty cheap.

If you enjoy epic fantasy that is 90% world-building and 10% plot, where 500 pages can go by without anything of substance happening, and progress on the series arc is maddeningly slow (and sometimes goes in reverse), you should like it.