
Yes but they are targeted to show you ads for products you have absolutely no interest in buying. For 10 bucks a month more, you can get ads for stuff you might like and for 20 no ads at all but the video just buffers in all the places there should be ads.

But I just had a revolutionary ideal for a streaming service that carries the same content as every other provider does,plus content you can already stream for free from other places, and charge 50 bucks a month for it, like the other providers. Now you say it is a bad idea?

Maybe everybody squirting out a new streaming service needs to seriously consider the possibility that we’ve hit peak streaming and are approaching streaming service fatigue.

I recognize all of those words individually, but in that order / context they make no sense whatsoever. I will 100% watch that

A mob assassin infiltrates a vampire’s wedding reception to cut off a jazz trumpeter’s pinkie

Universal has removed its adaptation of the Broadway musical Wicked from its release schedule, entirely.

Wait, so Rob Liefield wants us to believe that Deadpool 2changed everything” for Josh Brolin? Josh Brolin who’s dad is a famous actor? Josh Brolin who was nominated for an academy award over a decade ago and had already been in something like 50 movies? Deadpool 2 was his big break that got him noticed?

The games are fun, and the actors they get for them are a level above the norm for a game which makes the characters charismatic and likable, especially when combined with the incredible graphics. A lot of people hold up the stories as being something special though, but I’ve always thought that if it was live-action

I enjoyed it but thought it could have been done better. I really disliked the ending. Either kill him off or don’t. Don’t emotionally manipulate us into thinking he’s dead and then pull something off at the end to show us “Hey, everyone! Jean-Luc is OK!” I hate those type of endings. It’s fucking lazy.

With Morbius Sony hopes to replicate the success of the steaming pile that was 2018's Venom.. Seriously Venom made an inexplicable amount of money given the hilariously outdated quality of the script, directing and effects. No one can really explain it, but Spider-Man’s second rate villains are finally the hot

As with Assassin’s Creed I’ve never understood the thirstiness to see Uncharted as a movie. Take away the game bits, and what’s left is a direct-to-cable flick starring Casper Van Dien and Tiffani Amber-Thiessen from 2000.

Captain Caveman? Really? Christ. I’m glad I don’t have kids. I wouldn’t want to have to submit them to the same shit-ass cartoon characters that I hated when I was their age.

This director has gone so far up his own ass that I am amazed he is not inside out by now.

Yep, those quotes definitely sound like the right level of pompous from the guy who directed this and the also-awful Les Mis.

Does he apologize for trying to throw the effects crew under the bus for his and the studio’s dumbass choices? Because that alone should be on there for the sake of posterity. 

Mutant Blast

James Cameron assures us that he’s still working on 4 films that the world has never asked for.

Production has officially halted on James Cameron’s Avatar sequels in light of the covid-19 virus.”

Someone at HBO just read your post at got spin-off wood.

Give it up, we are in Half Life 3 territory now.  Or even worse, Duke Nukem Forever, where eventually it gets handed over to someone else to finish and it sucks.  Martin knows how to weave an intricate web, he just doesn’t know how to wrap it all back together - he is just good at breaking things.