
Agreed. I can’t be positive but if I remember correctly, he adds almost nothing to the movie as far as moving the story goes and yes could probably be removed easily.

Yes.  I want a directors cut of 2049 thats simply Leto edited out of the film

And I imagine Todd Phillips put up with this shit, too, because face it, he’s not exactly Scorsese. He’s a guy whose resume is mostly barf-bag comedies aimed at middle-aged fratboys. 

The Times interestingly reports that while Phoenix did this frequently with some actors, he never once fell to pieces while shooting with Robert De Niro, suggesting that while the actor might have been giving into some deep psychological need to withdraw, he was more than capable of pulling himself together when

I didn’t know anything about this before this Jez article (because I’m 44) but I read Natalie’s essay and just... holy shit, kids. Why are you like this?

Or one year to realize that they rarely use the service even when it is free and that there is no way in hell they’d actually pay for it.

As part of a beta program I was enrolled in, I once had 1 free year of unlimited Dish Network EVERYTHING (including all channel packages and unlimited free Pay Per View) I found that

“You’re gonna take a load of people and pretend that they’re cats. If you say it out loud it’s bonkers...”

“That’s like re-segregating the country, why would we want that? Besides of course the reasons Tucker Carlson and I lay out every night.”

What kills me is that this is a decision someone consciously made. Some actual human being is that stupid.

Is this supposed to be a story designed whole cloth with story arcs and character development that goes somewhere? because that’s not Lindelof’s thing. Neverending, meandering gimmick and money printing machine that claims to be deep but ends up being just poorly written, lasting 4 seasons and going nowhere is more

So Game of Thrones but faster

Yeah, I want to be interested in this, but deep down inside I know that it’s going to suck. Big time.

Damn it. So many actors I like in one place, but I hate the existence of this on principle.

Speaking of killjoys...

I can only assume Limetown is all about Jessica Biel uncovering the evils of vaccinations.

I wouldn’t call it a disaster, but it’s not really that good either.

I have yet to hear a good review of this from critics, horror fans or even average movie goers. I knew the adult half of the story was going to be the hardest to pull off, but it sounds like it’s an utter disaster.


Yeah, and he’s literally the only one who gives a shit.

It wouldn’t surprise me that there’s legal pressure to release from certain financial parties that get a cut of opening day grosses or something along those lines. Hollywood types sue over that type of money all the time, and that’s usually even with a wide release involved, to say nothing of an attempt to cancel