
I couldn’t even finish a second episode. No idea what the appeal of the show is for those who like it.

I saw a trailer for The Lighthouse yesterday and it just looks like it’s weird and artsy just for the sake of being weird and artsy while forgetting to tell a story.  

We’ll never get to see Philip Seymour Hoffman’s weeping masturbating take on the Joker. 

$10 says that over a long enough timeline we’re going to find out this started as a King of Comedy remake until WB said “Okay but what can you make it about the Joker?”

That’s where I’m at too. Same thing turned me off of Walking Dead when Dwight showed up, killed Denise in cold blood, and then within a few episodes was supposed to be this guy just struggling to survive.

Right? Me thinking he was doing it all this time had me really looking forward to this movie! Now that I know that it’s gonna be by the “Get Ken Jeong to be loud & that’s all you need for funny” guy, meh.

The more I see of this movie, the less I see of it really having anything to do with the Joker. The King of Comedy vibe is so strong here — down to the casting of De Niro — that I feel like this trailer could almost be sued for copyright infringement.

I just feel like this is really the wrong approach for this

I’m looking forward to seeing Joel McHale’s portrayal of a 14 year old girl.

OK, I have a funny confession:

And the answer is still a resounding “No.”

I just can’t get around to the idea of wanting to humanize the Joker. On it’s face it’s juts a bad idea, in execution it appears to be a nightmare.

Glorifying mental illness and white terrorism. Awesome, just what we need!!!


This is gonna end with Robert DeNiro handing Joker a playing card with a bat drawn on it, isn’t it?

Becky, which is now being described as “John Wick with a 14-year-old girl.

That Batwoman poster is atrociously awkward. What is happening? Is she landing? Or is the cape billowing in the wind? Either way doesn’t work because while the cape is up the hair is stagnantly down. And it looks so poorly photoshopped in that it doesn’t look like it is attached to her shoulders but instead to like

Becky, which is now being described as “John Wick with a 14-year-old girl.


Her Bat-Tresemme spray has a super strong hold

Why is Batwoman’s cape floating but not her hair?