
How to Talk to Dalmatians at Parties

sure, after a quick trip to the charisma store.

Thank GOD Kit isn’t no damn Wolverine. He doesn’t have the range.

Incredible if true

The more I see, the more I think ....

Disney no doubt feels like the MCU brand is what’s made the MCU Spiderman films so much money.

I imagine some short sighted Sony executive tried to strongarm Marvel into a greater percentage of profits going Sony’s way. Marvel didn’t budge. Maybe even went the opposite way pointing to Spider-Man profits vs Venom.

Two years later, at Sony Pictures...

As we’ve seen countless times over the years, Sony is allergic to success and money.

Welp. There goes any hope for more quality Spider-man Films.

Short of paying Jennifer and Reece $5 million per episode to not wear any clothes what could possibly cost that much for that type of show?

They’re running out of ideas. The last new product out of Apple was the watch, years ago. The HomePod has been a flop, generally speaking, and they don’t seem to have anything else in the pipeline. They’re betting heavily on ‘services’, and on-demand video is one of them.

None of this looks particularly compelling. They’d have better luck getting into Hollywood if they put in a bid for CBS/Viacom after they finish merging. Giving Apple the reins to Star Trek seems like a decent idea at least.

He wasn’t comparing him to Hitler, he was comparing him to the Red Skull.

Can’t we have our escapism to escape ?

Thank you. Escapism? How about we should not be allowed to escape the fact that our government is putting brown people in camps until our government stops putting brown people in camps. Get the fuck out of here with this escapism nonsense.

If you want an apolitical essay, don’t ask Art Spiegelman to write it. After all, his most famous work is a story about the Holocaust and we’re currently living in an era where the United States is holding people in concentration camps, so fuck off.

Nixon was an actual Marvel villain:


Yay a mention of Dublin Comic Con! It’s about feckin time