
I love her expression: “Can you believe this shit?”

That black friend™ looks a bit skeptical.

did she mention she has a black friend™ though?

“Everyone’s a suspect” in this teaser trailer for the CW’s Nancy Drew.

I play polo-style from the golf cart without ever once stopping the cart completely. He knows nothing about slow play frustration.

I treat every trip to Walmart like a raid - you get in, do violence on the objective and get the fuck out, you stick to the list, don’t make eye contact and do your best to ignore the fat fucktard with the Glock on his hip in frozen foods.

He’s right about people in general, not just golfers. They don’t think ahead while in line. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a TSA security line and half the people walk up to the podium and only then start pulling out their ID and boarding pass. Or they don’t get out the credit card at the store until all

New Suit and Bangs ?

Moving from a free network that reaches 300 million people to a pay streaming service with 25 million subscribers is not a lateral move.

I see Lana didn’t like the bangs either....

People like this and it’s good! But that means not enough people are paying extra to see it. Gotta make it more exclusive and harder to watch, stat!

I don’t often associate “owned by Disney” and “creative freedom” with each other, but here’s hoping....

Makes sense. I mean, if you’re going to copy Star Trek so closely anyways, you might as well follow their lead and move to an exclusive paid streaming service.

Agent Blake might not be a new character, though; she introduced herself as “Laurie Blake” — meaning she could be Laurie Juspeczyk, a.k.a. Silk Spectre II, ten years older and now using the surname of her biological father.

They really need to stop putting Cara Delevingne in things. She’s just a massive dud and charisma black hole. I get it, she’s a pretty model. But there are a ton or pretty people in Hollywood who’ve taken an acting class and can convey a human emotion on screen. Hard Pass.

That sure is a lot of words to say “this isn’t any good”

The straws grasped at here...let me translate.

It’s really bad, but it has a lesbian main character. Therefore it’s actually great. And the badness of the show highlights her being lesbian as its only redeeming quality even more, so you should be glad it’s bad too.

Sounds pretty bad. 

Are you kidding me? Jesus christ lol.

Oh damn, that’s all him? It’s like, “If we come up with stunning visuals, we only need 1/2 of a good idea for the plot.” Now I’m concerned.