
HOT TAKE: those Twilight Zone posters are dumb. 

My favorite commentary on this was from Mr. Sunday Movies who called it “X-Men Ghost School” because he cared so little for it he couldn’t be bothered to look up the actual title.

Time Bandit reboot...

feels like Sara in a Supergirl costuming would be very confusing to Alex Danvers right now.

I spent the weekend watching all the currently available episodes, and I have to say: if someone would have told me a year ago that DC would make a Doom Patrol TV show, and that it would be THIS good, I would tell them that they needed therapy. It’s my favorite show of the year so far.

Doom Patrol continues to look wildly fun. I like Jane saying that the rest of the team needs therapy, even though she is supposed to be the “Crazy” one... (which I guess is good lampshading for what is actually a problematic character name...) 

From the actor in the film from the mind of Paul Verhoeven comes the tv series you never asked for... Starship Troopers! Neil Patrick Harris was a hard no, but we’ve got Busey!!!!

Netflix is now developing a modern take on Alexandre Dumas’ The Three Musketeers from writer Harrison Query and producers Eric Newman, Bryan Unkeless and Scott Glassgold described as something akin to “Mission: Impossible in tone.”

I’m in Canada. I went to a clinic on Wednesday for back pain. Got a same day appointment. Waited about 15 minutes. Got a prescription for pain medication. Went to another clinic for an x-ray. Waited less than 1 minute. All told I lost about 1 hour of work and paid a total of $9 (for the medication.) I’m so happy I’m

She followed up with: “Health care costs are too high that is true but comparing us to Finland is ridiculous. Ask them how their health care is. You won’t like the answer.”

At what point do the Things stop being stranger for these poor folks?

At 5'4" Florence will tower over Scarlett’s 5'3".

Except Florida.  Everything is more or less normal in Florida because, heck, with what happens down here every day zombies would just fit in. 

Before the series ends I want them to meet another scientist and I want that scientist to reveal that the virus, which everyone has, not only brings them back but does varying levels of brain damage while they’re still alive. Hence why nearly everyone except our protagonists (and sometimes even them) is some form of

I know that it didn’t do so well in theaters, but can we get a sequel to the Natalie Portman sci-fi/horror flick ‘Annihilation’ called, ‘Annihilation: Doom’? Just for the double-feature posters.

Keep in mind that fatalities have gone down despite the fact that the number of people flying has gone up an insane amount. If you look at it from a deaths/# of flyers ratio, it’s unreal how safe flying is.

How many of the more recent fatalities were due to the plane being shot down by Donny’s best friend Vlad?

Whoa! whoa! whoa! Get those facts out of here! Our President got opinions!!!

Clearly aviation crashes and fatalities have increased as planes have gotten more and more advanced.........Oh, wait:

“The military is too complicated. Our soldiers show go back to throwing rocks.”

D. Trump - Commander in Chief