
This is just straight-up xenophobia. Do better.

ATTEMPTED assault?! How about attempted murder, FFS!?

Her nudity brought media attention to the fact that our Federal Government is kidnapping civilians.  It also freaked out a bunch of pigs, so, bonus.

Glad to hear Daddy Security Guard shot at his ass, bet he wasn’t expecting that! Just wish he’d killed the coward who was feeling mighty big surrounded by all that steel.

I’m just gonna leave this here...

Employee: “Stop murdering black people”

It didn’t take as long as you think to explode out of control — that happened months ago. It is just that now there is no way to hide and obfuscate the number of hospitalizations and positive test results from the public. I have no doubt that Florida hit these numbers not long after NYC and NJ and that the 10,000

The same thing happened here. Locals get together to paint “Black Lives Matter” on the street in front of our statehouse capital. Not more than 12 hours later, a jackass comes along and defaces it. Supposedly, his “problem” was with the money used to paint it (which makes no sense overall) and not the message itself.

If the racist white people had any brains they probably wouldn’t be racist white people.

Yes, that’s what I was getting at. These vague “crimes” that can be applied to just about anybody are most commonly used against minorities and while it is nice to see real racists getting nailed with them, I still don’t think it is a good idea to have them exist.

Good. Examples need to be constantly made of people who do bullshit like this. So that other people down the road will think twice about their bullshit actions causing them severe consequences.

Nah, man. He was in an area of the park specific to what he was doing and her no rule following ass was fucking it up for him. Speaking up to her WAS minding his own damn business (that she put herself in the middle of).

“I want to apologize to Christian Cooper for my actions when I encountered him in Central Park yesterday.”

Umm, no. When you deliberately invoke an action that you damn well know could end up with that person getting brutalized, if not outright dead, you don’t get to just say you’re sorry. You step up to the plate and

Do you not watch the news?

This is long overdue. I am an unmitigated optimist, but perhaps, just perhaps, this action will lead other jurisdictions to punish these idiot Karens and Kens for using the police as their own personal grievance force. OK, that was way over the top optimism verging on delusion, but if this charging for filing a false

When I was 16 years old I went to. Greatful Dead show, and bought a T-shirt. No big deal.

People bitching about losing jobs and homes can go fuck themselves, they brought this one themselves, be glad they aren’t losing their lives.

Then why was she asked to show it? She was asked to show it because Karen assumed she didn’t have one. Once she showed it, that should have been the end of it. But without a reason she shouldn’t have been asked in the first place. She should have been afforded the same peace as the white guests had.

Holy shit.