
This is the video Trump retweeted of the white man (Trump supporter) yelling, “WHITE POWER!”

Finally, some attention to years of police brutality against people of color/Black folk.

I know you mean well but you are wasting your time. Asshole just wants a chance to come back with his bullshit stats that come from the same kinds of tricks that protect VIOLENT white mfs. Your intelligence is of no consequence to this warped bish.

Plural of anecdote is not data. I live outside DC. Grew up as a minority white girl, I have been mugged by a white guy. Cops didn’t find him but my friends and I did. It would be wrong to blame and police all white guys based on the fact I was mugged by one and my father was an abusive twat. But that is your argument.

You post on every article related to race some version of “Did you know black-on-black crime is a thing that exists???!!!!!!11!! Well, did you?? Did you???!!!1!!” along with some cherry-picked stats/articles for your race-baiting narrative.

“This is your mess.”

How can you not understand that the races in D&D have a looser definition and are more akin to species. Many of the D&D races are derived from familiar animals. A race does not need to possess the same potential as others simply because it is ‘sentient. There is no need to explain why an Orc or any other race is the

But D&D “races” are actually different species. Is it racist to say that a human is more intelligent than a dog?

Thank you Ian for reporting on this story and bringing it to a wider audience..

Why is sleeping in a car while drunk a problem to begin with?

Point One And Only: cops should not have been called because someone was sleeping it off in their car in a Wendy’s parking lot. Was he driving? Was he a danger? No. He was wasted and needed a place to hole up for a bit. Good for him.


It’s not just that

I don’t think she voted for Trump at all, and it dangerous to automatically equate racism with political affiliation. I also think that she honestly, truly believes she isn’t racist. She is of course - but I’m sure she’s the typical example of a white person who votes for the right people, “has black friends” yet

There are many things that can be sacrificed to serve a greater good. A life is not one of them. They are worth much more than whatever price you think you can assign to it when trying to save an economy.

Every single one of them should have to pay the hospital bills of the people who will get sick as a result of this.

White people aren’t the problem. People LIKE YOU are the problem.

I want to warp to November so I can vote this incompetent asshole out of office.

Could not agree more. As an interim step that falls short of “put him on trial for assault with intent to injure”, firing him and “allowing” his supervisor who tried to cover it up to resign is an excellent 1st step that I hope becomes the standard SOP for police forces.

Personally, I’d be uncomfortable with calling someone by their preferred pronoun. My brain say it doesn’t matter but it still doesn’t sound right to me for some reason.

That said, out of respect, I’d use a gender neutral pronoun or simply call them by their name.

Hiding behind a religion and then making a lawsuit is