
Last year, had a friend who quit her job after her maternity leave and told the company - to give them a heads up to prepare for her exit. Since it happened right before YE, they justified not giving her the $10k bonus because she wasn’t there anymore. If she had kept her mouth shut, took unpaid leave and left the

Having now lost a primary means of independent advertising, lots of sex workers - me included - are now receiving offers from other websites for advertising at grossly inflated fees, and from individuals offering to “manage” us and “help” us find bookings for a cut of our earnings or other, how can I word this

(In reply to this: “Kind of Adopted” isn’t a thing.” but I’m afraid that no one will see it because kinja sucks for grays and won’t fix that issue with pending comments.)

1. you are so right. WOW. Woody only took nude photos of the teenaged daughter of his partner. that’s totally normal behavior.

“He didn’t adopt her, his SO with whom he had other children with did, so it’s totally fine!”

Meanwhile in the 80s those Golden Girls were buying condoms in bulk.

I do not like him, Sam I Am.

Considering he still called for the Central Park 5 to be locked up, even after they were completely exonerated...I’d happen to guess the stable genius knows nothing about due process....much like everything else.

He also doesn’t understand that due process doesn’t have anything to do with the workplace. If you grope butts, you can be fired immediately. (One would hope.) Yes, I know that TV procedurals about crime have a different take. Maybe don’t get your legal knowledge from Olivia Benson?

My 7 year old niece has devised a chart where she puts stickers on squares that are numbered. The numbers correspond to a list of misogynistic hot phrases she hears at school, on TV, from my mother, etc. When her chart is full she hands it to the closest adult and demands $20 for Space Camp.

It is striking to me that our chief idiot is using the same argument as Pill Cosby’s defenders.

Or who voted for Jill Stein, because “they just couldn’t”. I’m doubly angry at them, because I haven’t been able to stand Hilary since the Monica days and I put that aside in the interest of keeping the country from descending into its current madness. Those girls should be barred from sisterhood for life.

Yeah, I’m all for calling it out white people, but like come on... let’s at least shame the white women who didn’t vote. The ones who voted for Trump or Roy Moore are pretty much beyond saving. Like, they voted for those men because they’re racist and proud. We can call them out for it, and their response will be to

I am PRO “Hey White Women!!!” but I mean like... HALF OF THEM DON’T GIVE A FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.

In 50 years, American children will know 2018 as the birth of the Lutefisk mafia, while dining on reindeer and licorice to aid in their development of Dear Leader Trump physiques.

The leopards are coming for all your faces, assholes.

Don’t know about you folks, but I feel safer with this menace off the streets.

Pro-tip to the fucknuts at ICE: Picking up a 40+ year old white doctor with two decades-old legal dings is not going to make you look any less racist and is definitely not making you look like you’re out there rounding up ‘bad hombres’.

My pediatrician apparently reported the abuse to the authorities, so I tend to believe everything about this (grew up near there too!).

It’s interesting to see all these actors denouncing Allen NOW. I mean, he’s been a well-documented pervert for decades. He’s married to his step-daughter for God’s sake!