
It’s viscerally embarrassing to read. I suddenly feel ashamed of all the obviously, transparently performative emails I’ve written to smart boys in a desperate bid to get laid.

How is this surprising? She has a British identical twin!!!

Every NRA member, gun lobbyist, gun nut, and cowardly politician who refuses to support an outright gun ban (or at the very least, heavy restrictions) should be forced to look this poor woman in the eye and try to explain to her why the “right” to bear assault weapons is more important than her son’s life. Jesus.

Sorry but I just need to vent. If I see one more news story on this where they neglect to mention that this attack was directed at a Gay Nightclub, I might scream. So many news shows are clearly avoiding the fact that it was directed at the LGTQI community and is a hate crime. They keep saying “Nightclub” and that’s

I’m a gay man and I lost my fiancee to a brutal car accident just days ago. I’m still in shock and my grieving process is going through all sorts of motions. Sudden death is the worst heartbreak. I feel for the victims and their families and friends.

Thanks for this space. I’m having a really hard time with this. I just keep thinking about being in my early 20's and going to gay bars for the first time and feeling so elated to be in such a fun and SAFE feeling space, to really feel a sense of community and to be able to let loose in a way that normal spaces would

I find it extra sad that gay men cant give blood right now. always shitty extra sad right now.

As a straight guy, I can’t understand how someone can see a gay couple and be offended enough that they feel it is necessary to take such extreme measures on innocent people simply for being who they are. The LGBT community isn’t offensive, its people like him that are offensive.

Except for all the people who ran straight to the blood bank.

Hahaha, when you’ve got religion in mind, critical thinking was never there to begin with.

Not to mention their well over 90% identical voting records.

As a Bernie supporter who will be happy to vote for Hillary, I suggest you remind them that (before things got acrimonious between them), Hillary and Bernie both said during the early debates that they agreed on most things even though they did have a few fundamental differences.

Took my almost 4 year old with me today. She helped me feed the ballot into the machine and I explained that I was happy to vote for a women to be in charge of the country.

Don’t forget, we only got the vote in 1919.

Her speech, with its references to Seneca Falls and all the history that came before, was in perfect tune.

In less than a month it will have been 240 years since America declared its independence and this country began. In those 240 years there has not been a single woman as a presidential nominee of a major party. ABOUT GODDAMN TIME.

I’m not saying beer at an MLB stadium is expensive, but Peter Thiel paid for all that.

Shut up.

If the Indians were my home town team, I would also drink heavily and build a massise pyramid to obstruct my view of them.