Gotta love a gal who cares more about making people laugh than she cares about being liked!
Gotta love a gal who cares more about making people laugh than she cares about being liked!
I like to imagine that multiple black women have called him a punk and his oblivious takeaway was that they thought he was Ashton Kutcher.
Wow, that is mind blowing.
This guy is going to kill someone someday. Heaven help anyone in front of him in line who gets the last cookie or movie ticket.
At this point I am just hoping that each and every one of these trash monsters dies in a freak jerkoff accident. #BanMen
I can't believe how fucked up this has gotten. Especially all the blame that's being thrown at these women for taking these photos. Get the fuck out.
I do. I refer to it as a leak, a violation of privacy and a sex crime.
God damn she is brave. I really admire what she's doing.
You are an ass.
I don't think so at all. The physical burden of the mattress is strenuous, sure. But think of how walking in with a mattress will disrupt every class she goes to. How much room it takes up in an elevator. How it will slow/block traffic on a stairwell. Hell, how many people will be made uncomfortable by asking…
She's already suffering. Now people will have to witness it in a more tangible way.
As I'm reading this exchange, I'm really struck by how many times my desire to marry my partner of 17 years has been called unnatural and disgusting. Rock on, heteros, I guess.
I doubt "Jason" ever did any hacking. He seems much more like a hanger-on; the fringe member of an entourage, the one who tries harder than everyone else in the group to use up the cache earned by better members of the group.
Public servant. Public information. It would be no different if he had simply identified himself, as all officers are mandated to do upon civil request. He is accountable for his actions.
This is remarkably bad copping.
"So we figured, hey, let's draw attention to racial inequalities in America by walking hand-in-hand out from this inflatable thing with a purple injun on it."
We at Team Dog regret this incident and plan on investigating further.
At worst they ran blush. Mayyyybe mascara.