Wouldn't it be cool if Hollywood had an industry crash that made the 1980s Videogame crash look like a short recession? I wish this would happen so they can learn a lesson.
Wouldn't it be cool if Hollywood had an industry crash that made the 1980s Videogame crash look like a short recession? I wish this would happen so they can learn a lesson.
If Nintendo wants to get back Western audiences, then they had damn well better bring games like this stateside, family-friendly reputation be damned. Otherwise, we're gonna have to have another OpRainfall-level campaign.
Loot 2.0 in a nutshell?
Au contraire. There are rumors going around:
Ah! I get it! Cool Potato!
So... Shulk from Xenoblade comes across a potato with shades.
Well does taking parts from other mods without giving credit count as this?
I heard about this:
I'll just leave this post here:
Alluding to Metroid: Other M.
Japan, good sir.
Bonerpenguins. That is now their official name.
Couldn't have said it better. It comes off as gratuitous in GZ when Kojima could have just stuck with torture.
If they hire Supergiant or another capable Action-RPG dev to handle Secret of Mana, I will be happy.
You think they learned their lesson after Metroid: Other M?
And how does that make her design a non-issue?
What a nice way to dismiss the important issue of female representation, huh? Shutting up about it will totally solve everything, won't it?
Everyone defending Samus' comedic sexualization in a nutshell:
Very true. They didn't shove her fanservice in your face so much until Smash Bros. Brawl and Other M.
Here's hoping you can kill these guys with extreme predjudice: