Mah Boi! This mode is what ALL True Warriors strive for!
Mah Boi! This mode is what ALL True Warriors strive for!
There are too many people out there who have no clue of how much it costs to make a game. Infographics can help put things into perspective and could even convince potential backers that they know how capable they are of handling such a budget.
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
Threads like these are why I think more Kickstarters need info graphics to outline the costs and put things into perspective. Skullgirls did this to their benefit.
Am I the only one here who finds that shows only poke fun at a game at least few years after release?
Make a documentary. Let things flow naturally, then apply editing.
Problem solved.
I did their lack of Trails in the Sky disturbing.
Comcast. It has to be Comcast. Because releasing broken, shitty sequels is Nobel Peace Prize-worthy compared to Comcast's current attempts to monopolize the Internet.
While waiting for the remake, I'll be watching the abridged series.
Board games like Parcheesi are small-time.
What? So men can't bake cakes? Is this a task that only women should do?
Let's not forgot this.
"I could have had it AAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLL
Please tell me I'm not the only one here who can't take fiction seriously when women dress like fantasy-themed call girls?
An obligatory comic from the fine artist at Hark! A Vagrant!
Parasocial Interaction and Relationships are something we're studying in my Communications class here at Digipen.
Video games, many of us have concluded, have the potential to have the most powerful of parasocial relationships. If you look at all those dating sims and visual novels, they're almost all about forming…
Ask your mom.
Anyone who would make this child cry is an enemy of humanity.