
I is simultaneously want to murder/praise your best Greek curvy girl friend.

You win the internet today. Bravo!

Sweet chocolate Christ, come talk with me asshole, I'll tell you how my basic human dignity was stripped away in minutes, with just three fingers.

I so needed this today, Jezzies. I'm coming up on 40 ( eight weeks and counting!) and I'm just now embracing my body for the wonderful, sexy, amazing thing it is. Rock on sister, go get it!

Yeah, I read this as TOM Ford and Drake sit side by side and I was WILDLY disappointed.

Vincent Cassell can star in MY drama any day of the week, and twice on Sundays,

I feel exactly the same as you. I was drinking, and even though it was in my home and HE entered two closed doors to get to me AND I begged him to stop, I still feel complicit. It was not even a month ago, and I'm 39, so ostensibly I "know better" than to victim blame, but.....

"Christ on a ranch-flavored Cornut" is now going to be in my vernacular. Bless you for this.

I used to run with that crowd. My daughter had a TERRIBLE reaction to her 18 month DTaP shot, we were in the ER for hours. When my son was born, I chose to delay his vaccines to be more in line with the Japanese model. But both are fully up to date on everything. The books I chose to read on the subject came from the

The entrance has several barricades you have to wind through, in order to get up to the gate and show your ID. Past that are pneumatically controlled concrete tubes that will deploy nearly immediately once the guards in the building hit the button. So the driver sped through the winding barricades - designed to slow

I spent my adult life as a military spouse and at Nellis AFB we had an incident where a woman was speeding up to and through the gates. The concrete barriers deployed & she was killed. Some people had the same reaction: why did you have to go so far? Dude, a car is speeding through a barricaded entrance to a military

Katie, you simply cannot bring logic and reason into a discussion about "women's health." Silly, silly girl.

They are particularly grody, to use a word from my far gone youth.

They are particularly grody, to use a word from my far gone youth.

I have one I brush my wet hair with, but when I let it air dry, it blows up. I wish I could find that damn picture. I've tried curly hair products, but to no avail. The longer it gets, the heavier it is and the more it behaves. It's just past my shoulders now, in that horrible in between stage.

Another super white lady response:

Pretty sure Donatella is comprised entirely of fiction AND exaggerated fact.

Mr Smugandsmarmy is a 21 year USAF vet & a contractor. He has work & a paycheck till Friday. After that, nada. We have six kids between us and one in college. No idea how we will pay any bills past Friday. The ONLY thing that has kept us afloat is that my major medical illnesses (inc. cancer & a botched procedure that

Mr Smugandsmarmy is a 21 year USAF vet & a contractor. He has work & a paycheck till Friday. After that, nada. We have six kids between us and one in college. No idea how we will pay any bills past Friday. The ONLY thing that has kept us afloat is that my major medical illnesses (inc. cancer & a botched procedure that

Mr Smugandsmarmy is a 21 year USAF vet & a contractor. He has work & a paycheck till Friday. After that, nada. We have six kids between us and one in college. No idea how we will pay any bills past Friday. The ONLY thing that has kept us afloat is that my major medical illnesses (inc. cancer & a botched procedure that