
It's not about health care, it's about religion, and the false memory that pre-birth control, all was right in the world and women stayed home raising babies while the men went to work and the world was hunky dory. The problem with this (despite the obvious history warping and Judeo Christian centrism, obvs) is that

Amen to the "avoid Victoria's Secret" tip.

For the love of GOD and all that is holy, NEVER let the Victoria's Secret girls measure you and direct to the "right" size. As lovely and well intentioned as they may be, they know NOTHING. Go with the old lady at Macy's/other high end dept store. You and your tatas will thank her. Signed, SO not a 34C

John Boehner has lost control of the House. The Tea Party is in charge now.

I guarantee you they've never read the ACA.

Thanks for the tip. I'm a little 'over' Zooey Deschanel these days, but I'd watch her in order to see Merrit Weaver.

She's on The New Girl?! I may have to watch that one now....

"if you're not willing to try it, why should I?"

Check out her YouTube channel, it's all about empowering young women. Amy Poehler is an amazing, inspiring woman.

Aggressively unfunny may be the most apt description I've ever heard.

Exactly. He was the reason I was interested in the show; I find him both funny and intelligent (and adorable) but this piece of shit show is none of those things. Even with Green in the cast, I won't be watching.

Perhs it was my strict Catholic upbringing, which neglected to mention any parts of the female anatomy other tha "vagina", which extended, north to south, from your belly button to the small of your back, but my kids knew the proper names for ALL the parts, male AND female, at an early age. No topic was off limits,

Had to read Sen. Marco Rubio's bio for an interview with the local (FL) paper and had to read about him attending foam parties. Made me want to gouge my OWN eyeballs out. Maybe the Tampa folks had the same issue: imagining balding, middle aged Senator attending "hip" foam party till his shoes bleached? Enough to make

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being awful, bunny boiling crazy, how bad would it be to reply to this guy? I mean, addressing every one of his concerns, assuring g him I'm not the "bitch" stereotype and essentially moulding myself into the greatest 25 year old subservient hottie SoCal has ever seen, just for shits &

Lindt, be glad you outgrew that 'no hangover' stage. I'm 39 and STILL don't get them, which means that, combined with my immaturity, I tend to overdo it way more than I should.

Pleas tell me this happened in some parallel Mad Men-esque universe and not in present day, 2013 America? Lie to me, is what I'm saying.

Anyone remember Shaun Cassidy, of Hardy Boys "fame"? Anyone? Beuller? No? Just me then...

I think I am in love with this article. I came from a very repressed, strict Irish Catholic upbringings and when I got my period at age 12 (well, one day before my 12th birthday, Thanks Mother Nature, you ironic bitch), my mother's entire talk was to throw me a box of maxi pads, (yes, those self adhesive but three

I have a food allergy, as well as being a picky restaurant orderer. I am a pain in the ass, so I start off by letting the wait staff know that I am That Customer, and I smile and ask for forgiveness. Guess what? Never have I been treated rudely or received poor service as a result of my ridiculousness. I own up to it,

I was 18, from an Irish Catholic family (which is basically the Mommy Dearest of Catholics: no birth control EVER) and I was also working and paying my own health insurance costs. I told my mother I was having sex and she said "Are you asking my permission to get on the pill?" I said "No, I am ON the pill. I'm telling