
Oakes Fegley, really? Is he a character from The Hunger Games?

Is it a bad sign for ageism in Hollywood that Uma Thurman is stuck in boring mom roles, or is it a good sign for ageism in Hollywood that Uma Thurman is playing the mom of children younger than her actual children? Or, alternatively, is it a good sign for ageism in Hollywood that Uma Thurman is now playing DeNiro’s

I don’t swear often.

But but maybe he’ll get a MAGICAL SUIT ?

You know, maybe Peter doesn’t need to be glued to the hip with a mentor figure? Like, it’s bad enough that most of MCU Peter’s tech comes from Tony, but I don’t think Peter needs more mentor figures. Especially now that he has total control of a spy satellite/orbital weapons platform and that’s somehow a good thing.

Newsweek is the same outlet that posted that shady “I’m not a birther, but here are birther thoughts” Op-Ed on Kamala Harris. Can’t say as I’m shocked.

You’re obviously trolling so I’ll resist the urge to explain Duverger’s Law to you. And really, so long as you’re not living in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Iowa, or Arizona, go nuts, “protest” away.

I didn’t know voting was about whether someone has a (R) or (D) after their name.”

This is what privilege looks like, folks.

This is the reality of the situation in US politics. Truly that’s just how it is apparently you didn’t notice. Maybe vote for your third party folks in smaller elections where they have a shot and they can get attention and experience. Jo hasn’t even won a tiny election “The first office for which Jorgensen ran was

Because the way the Electoral College is set up, it’s basically a winner take all situation where the candidate who (Usually) usually wins the majority of the popular votes wins all of the state’s electoral votes. Unlike in a parliamentary seats where seats are divided proportionally by candidate. In the latter’s

Basically EVERYTHING Trump has done and you’re voting for a candidate that could not possibly win. You care so little about his actions you’re throwing away your vote, you must have a very comfy life.

So you’re voting for Trump essentially.

Undecided voters are basically Trump voters who are too embarrassed to admit it.

Some pretty shitty virtue signaling from a man who was famous for looking like a fat idiot.

I can’t be angry with him, because fuck Newsweek and any other outlet that feeds in to the mystique of the “undecided” voter. If anyone claims to be undecided in October of an election year—especially this election year—they’re either lying or so fucking stupid that they’re oblivious to the world around them. Either

I can't comprehend voting for Hillary in 2016 and then deciding to vote third party in 2020.  Like holy fuck man, did you suddenly think Trump was better after four years?  Did Joe Biden kill his cat and burn his shirt?  How can you say they are equally bad.  The only excuse is if you came out of a coma from the

You left out not including Tom Bombadil in the show.

Yeah, the “it was a joke!!” defense has been used by so many assholes against so many people (and frequently men telling women they ‘can’t take a joke’ - hell, I had someone on The Takeout last week tell me they were sorry I had “no sense of humor”). Fuck off, if you need to portray me as a humorless scold to make

These douchebro showrunners. Pulling pranks on teenage castmembers and being so proud of it. Amazing how often bullies of every kind pull this shit and think the harm they’ve caused is erased by a cheery “Just kidding!” Fuck them.