
I think you could prove a lot of what you did this summer though! You hopefully have different friends that you did different things with. If i went out to the bars a month ago and didn’t post anything about it, my friends could probably back me up. And If i did the same thing two months ago, it was probably with a

...what? gloves only help if people are paying attention. Most adults can’t stop a ball going over 100 mph with a glove when they aren’t expecting it

You’re already allowed to push opposing linemen down....

this is a bad take. College football is popular in LA and Austin. Washington sells out their home games right now in super-active and interesting Seattle. College football is also insanely popular in Florida, where everyone is within 2 miles of a nice beach. College football is popular not just because of Alabama and

I agree on the parenting stand point. I’m not into baseball really and kind of just skimmed the first take about netting. I would not support the take about netting now after reading other comments.

I was defending the parenting take - didn’t know enough about netting but would renounce the netting take.

I don’t know baseball at all really - i now see why netting take was bad. I defend the parenting take.

Which part is the bad take? If you’re taking a child that’s more interested in the spectacle of the game than the play on the field or has no interest at all in being there, then sit in higher-deck seat or behind the netting. You can probably protect a child when you’re high or behind the net - not so much when right

what country was #1?

“Touch so soft you could shave a mouse in its sleep”

“by socializing the ineptitude of the fascists” Wut

No Apples to Apples mention - list invalid

Punishment under the law and punishment from the world at large are different things. He served his time in the justice system but ended up at a college an hour from his hometown and the national fury that followed after his crime. Whether he deserves to be haunted by what he did for the rest of his life is a personal

Okay now. Let’s not compare museums and stadiums. Museums have demonstrated public good and are not owned by billionaires who will profit massively from new construction.

Nah, no bias in that comment really. You can say that you think “too many Northeast teams opening at home in March” and have it not be ignoring the Midwest/Seattle. It is true that the Northeast teams should play more on the road in March and early April just the same as it’s true for Midwest teams.
If i say “I don’t

Kanye is definitely a polarizing figure. Someday, if the world doesn’t end in our lifetimes, people will come to appreciate the art away from the man. I can only hope.

Now playing

I’ve tried to explain’s Kanye’s greatness to my mother for a long time - she can’t get past the public hijinks and life choices he’s made. But his significance to rap and modern music is important. I think he’s an asshole as much as the next sane person, but his chops and artistry are amazing. the below video is a

This is what Alex Smith and Andy Reid have done to me!

Probably because he’s being confronted by an angry woman with no sense of style