
He could do a first person Metroid game for Oculus Rift.

So if Griffin's health is x, x

Good question, I'm guessing it's because the tortoises are crawling every inch of that ugly desert.

I was promised gut-clearing puking.

Part 2: It is not a frightening experience if you go above 30mph

All Peugeot drivers should be forced to attend a 2 week how to 'drive your car' course

I'm not saying I know exactly where they lost their way, but the lab-wide switch two years ago to "sexy centrifuges" was probably a mistake, in retrospect.

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Adult Swims recently video series called 'xHow' are absolutely hilarious. I recommend you take them a look Casey, they're right on topic for hilarious lifehacking videos. There are about 4 now and they've only been done in the last month or so. Still fresh!

The plunger was pretty darn funny too!

God, Altered Beast was a terrible game; I went back and replayed it as part of the Sega Collection and I can't believe I used to really enjoy that game. The game was obviously intended to suck in little kids and get them to spit out quarters, the whole "turning in to a mythical animal" thing was obviously the hook.

And they're so interesting!

You tell your stories so concisely.

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You know, I get that his initial reaction is "HOLY FUCK, RUN AWAY!", because frankly mine probably would be too, but you'd think he'd have noticed the pair of clearly human legs poking out of the bottom a little sooner. I mean, he was looking straight at it for a good couple of seconds.

"Dino Crisis... 4"!

According to a recent North Korean National News article, Air Koryo has been voted "Best Airline in the World Ever in Existence" unanimously by everyone in the whole world.

How come Flacco wants to talk shit after Ray Lewis is gone. say it to his face fuck boy

5th: It's starting, soon you'll have automated cars replacing taxis and buses. Then you'll have cars go haywire or something. Next comes...Ex-Driver, the Jalops of the future.

Operation Patience.

Pretty sure that's an owl.