
Shhh, nobody tell KT.

They’re as sexy and energetic as Viagra will allow.

“I’m not saying that Kipling should be censored, but...”

I wish Bigfoot existed. I really do!

It’s all fun and games until your organs start to fail one by one from dehydration and malnutrition.

“You don’t have to worry so much about driving because most of the people you see on the road in the US either could not get a license or would have it quickly revoked.”

“Another doctor suggested a hard plastic cup I would wear overnight that temporarily reshaped my...”

So, at this point in human history, we’ve gone from not knowing if any planets existed beyond our solar system three decades ago to knowing about thousands of confirmed extra-solar worlds.

Something something witness something broken in half.

Oh wow, someone modded the “muh-sojiny” girl into a game.


I heard that one particular use that Soviet Russia had in mind for the gargantuan 20 megaton warhead carried on some mods of the equally huge SS-18 “Satan” ICBM was to turn this mountain complex into a smoking crater.

So, let me get this straight: the director -who is a woman- describes her vision for the Amazon Warriors as female wish-fulfillment, and it still gets berated by internet commenters for somehow not being feminist enough?

I starred your post just because of your icon and username. Effin brilliant.

“Liquid cheese spray activate”

Kevlar will not stop a directed stabbing motion, such as a knife attack with the attackers weight behind it. However, it will stop slashing attacks made with a side-to-side motion.

OK, I’ll bite.

You could have asked about HL3. WHY DIDN’T YOU?!

Hush, this is a Gawker site. They’ve had the decomposing corpse of English grammar stashed away in their basement since they were founded.

They’ll never adopt that model in the US, because as soon as everyone realizes they can time their arrival to skip all the ads, then everybody will -obviously- skip all the ads. Advertisers will then have a conniption fit and stop providing the theater with ad revenue. It’s an awesome idea, but the concept of previews