
I’m just impressed by the age of this file photo. The building under construction here is a luxury high-rise that was completed in 2009 (I think) so this pic is probably pre-recession. You can just barely make out the stump of the now-completed 1 WTC skyscraper that now dominates the lower Manhattan skyline.

I’m guessing these were the same goobers who sobbed uncontrollably when Microsoft ditched mandatory Wiggle Camera and You Better Not Be Stealing Our Games Or I’ll Fucking Cut You DRM. These misguided people supported a future for gaming that the overwhelming majority of other gamers did not.

“Oh yeah, a price war is definitely coming; there’s no reason to expect beer to be the one industry in American history immune to the tawdry lure of the value menu.”

Indeed. Heaven forbid they not run with the first unverified tweet their social media intern can find and follow it up with a listicle or a “You won’t believe what’s above your head RIGHT NOW” headline.

Wow... those jets are the sex, for real. It’s too bad pretty much the only folks still flying them have it out for the country that initially produced them.

3rd Gear: Tesla Had A Great March In China

I’ve eaten whale sashimi before. Honestly, it’s nothing special to write home about. I couldn’t even describe the taste to you that well because it was unremarkable in virtually every facet. Ever had bland sushi before? I guess it’s kind of like that. I do recall it seemed a bit chewy, but other than that I don’t see

“The shitty new Joker...”

Holy crap, is that real and not some model hobbyist’s satire of knockoff figures? “The furniture of law enforcement”? Part of a set with Ray Liotta for some inexplicable reason? Unreal.

It's almost as otherworldly as waking up today to see the Jalopnik logo turned bright orange.

Also played the Russian president in The Sum of All Fears.

This is a representation of all the bugs that will be splattered across the front of the car.

They can, technically. But the Chinese courts would have to stop laughing hysterically at the idea of actually enforcing existing IP laws long enough to spout a terse “lol no” first.

On the upside, anyone who might need superficial burn treatment doesn’t have far to walk.

I still think Nomura’s best work was on FFVII. Simple yet effective character design, nothing too outlandish (by modern FF standards at least).

Well... That was utterly horrifying...

Can we please, as a gaming community, stop calling these games “free to play”? Because clearly, after years and years of swallowing this BS from game publishers, we know deep down in our bones that these games are the furthest thing from “free” there can possibly be. They are designed solely to piss people off so much

The Bro Trucks of terraformed Ganymede were a little over the top, to say the least.

DS game cartridges are really, really tiny, in case you didn’t know. Toting around 30 to 40 of them in a carrying case for convenience doesn’t seem unusual at all. The guy who stole them is just a colossal asshole.

“Rip and tear! Rip and tear your guts... er, face!”