
"Y'know, the world could always use more heroes."

Pappy Van Winkle Batman?

Where was the missile site located? I'm always interested in where the last of our IRBMs got deployed during the last days of the Cold War. Were they in silos or did they have TELs?

...1023. Jellyfish

Mario Kart 64. Whether it's the 150cc-class singleplayer mode or the awesome versus race mode, I can't stop playing this game. I've played it at least once a year every year since it came out on the N64 so long ago.

What are the pros/cons to a ski-jump deck versus a catapult deck?

Nah, the damage is there. Watch the video at 1/4 speed. The whole bumper bends downward (even if it doesn't bend inward much) and I'm sure there would be things like paint scrapings left on it that we can't see in the low-res video. Also, the tailgate is bent inwards.

I love how the truck owner just nonchalantly walks away from his truck. As if the driver of the car he rammed won't notice the massive damage to their front end and the corresponding damage to the truck's bumper. What a goon.

I backed this on Kickstarter! So glad to finally see what my moniez were supporting. Cute and hilarious show so far!

YES! This is how DLC should be done. No pre-order exclusive BS, no timed console-exclusives, no exorbitant costs. Good on ya, ya wonderful crazy Poles!

Look, we already know which team Sandusky was on.

Actors who could play John DeLorean: who ya got?

Yeesh, this sums up "Battle of Gods" perfectly.

So is the H2R not road legal?

Real estate in Lagos can be...chaotic, and these warnings are to remind folks that even if a "real estate agent" turns up carrying property papers, there's no telling if they're actually genuine or not.

On PS4, the light bar will flash red and blue when you're being chased by the cops.

Real Aussies use XXXX Gold cans to construct their blowers.

I laughed at this way harder than I should have. +1

They're going to attempt to drive over an 8" street curb. That's the whole race.