I’m right there with you. Have to admit that was my first thought, though I don’t wish for his death at all.
I’m right there with you. Have to admit that was my first thought, though I don’t wish for his death at all.
Senator Murphy is made of some waaaaaay stronger stuff than I am. Kudos to him. There’s no way I’d be able to maintain my cool and not laugh or scream in her face when she suggested “grizzlies” as a reasonable reason for guns in schools.
Just a quick correction: I think you mean Senator Murphy, not Murray.
You get what you pay for.
If you got a contract from Donald Trump at your job, he’d probably find a way to not pay your company after all the work was finished, like he’s done countless times before.
Related: Every time I have a bowel movement, I announce loudly to anyone within earshot (which is often just the dog) “I just took a steaming Trump.”
“But if Donald Trump can help her heal, then perhaps that is a good thing.”
That kind of faux concern, needling and next-level gaslighting is what makes me feel like half the country is in an emotionally abusive relationship with our would-be leaders.
Unfortunately, Sasse isn’t alone in this notion that protesters are being paid. I’ve seen similar beliefs spouted on various Facebook threads, with people alleging George Soros, among others, behind these protests. A quick Google search kicks up dubious “news” sites suggesting protesters are paid.
It’s an interesting…
I wonder if this is the sort of thing that hackers could take care of, finding and releasing the videos. Moments like these I wish I had those kinds of skills.