
Some people are just born to be onstage. Fantastic music aside, just look at that face, that charm, that energy - what else could he possibly do?

This is great advice.

I'm almost afraid to ask, but... what's a vampire facial? 

I still have that blender. Works great!

I had completely forgotten about the Biosphere! Can't wait to see the documentary - thanks for this piece.

“Did these knee-length skirts just call me the n word? I think they might have!”

People who wear these clothes do not name their sons Jaycen. They name their sons Jackson.

Absolutely on point. Finding a way to be of service will help with this malaise. Volunteer for a cause you really like, bring an elderly neighbor groceries, help out with a political campaign, cuddle kittens in a shelter so they learn about people, teach a kid to read - do something for someone else, and keep doing

I've never heard of this person. While I'm deeply grateful about that, now I'm curious, too. Is she famous for something other than being okay with grandma killing?


If you can get your hands on a copy, I highly recommend “Crazy Salad” by Nora Ephron. It’s a collection of essays about feminism that she published in Esquire (I think?) in the early 70s. It’s a contemporary account of being a woman at the crux of a changing culture, and I simply cannot say enough good things about

Jesus Christ. Can you imagine being married to this guy?!?

Great idea!

Oh I dunno - his gentle bemusement at it all is so sweet. I feel like he’s very tolerant, generally musing that for people who like this sort of thing, this is the sort of thing they like!

I love Detective Lombardi's quotes so much!

And the joy of popping out of bed without a hangover - even a minor one - simply cannot be overstated.

I would add giving up alcohol entirely. I have dealt with broken sleep and panic waking for years. Once I stopped drinking, my sleep improved immensely - I never would have believed it if I hadn't experienced it personally.

If you like lemon, it won’t disappoint. Be sure to top with unsweetened whipped cream, you need that balance of flavors.

I'm so sorry to hear this. All good thoughts to you and your very good boy.

Ha, love the name "mustgo soup!" I did Project Clean Out The Freezer last year and made at least one version of that!