
I’m making a huge Easter dinner tomorrow for just the three of us, because I refuse to allow the quarantine to spoil my holidays. For dessert, we’ll have this, my favorite Easter treat! I don't mean for him to look insane, but he always does, which is half the fun anyway!

I don’t have any bouillon, I don’t know what Better than Boullion is, and I don’t want to go to the grocery store. I do have Worcestershire, though! Do you think this would be a nice side with Easter ham, or would the flavors clash? I’m doing the ham with brown sugar and pineapple glaze.

He’s not a bad looking fellow, especially with a beard. But my God - the pic above looks like a still from a hostage video. Thank God hair grows back.

WHISTLES?!??? These are terrible people.

I see your leaf blower drama, and raise you the jerks who decided to build a brand new house RIGHT NOW on a lot on my street that has been empty for three years. Because when you’re trying to work from home and homeschool, and your elderly neighbor is recovering from COVID, 12 straight hours of driving piles and

That's not what the Countess says...or so I've been told.

I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen a series of photographs more vapid and vain than the above Instagram posts. If I discovered that my kid was "following" this person and looking up to her as a role model, I would probably react in a similar way as if I discovered she had a meth lab in her closet. Anger, disappointment,

I’m actually fascinated that she was able to transfer into Harvard Law School. I didn’t think people transferred into law school. She doesn’t seem to come from money like Kushner does - given that she has an undergraduate degree from Georgetown, my guess is that she’s quite bright and good at academics....which makes

Women of her age are not called Karen. I'm quite certain she has an aunt or grandmother called Karen, however.

No yuppie parent would name a child Kayleigh. That’s some Deep South Vacation Bible School naming right there.

Not sure who you think my cult leader is? I would have loved to have seen Warren or Bernie get the nomination- would love to see a brokered convention. Not pinning my hopes on it though. 

Awwww, he looks scared of the chick!

That’s wonderful!!! I’ve never been into chickens myself, plus we have outdoor cats that would menace chickens if we had some. I’d like a couple of goats, though!

You are correct. I'm hoping for a brokered convention but am trying not to get too invested in that idea.

I think so - not sure if VP choice can help as much as it can really hinder. McCain’s legacy will be forever tainted by his decision to introduce Sarah Palin and her creepy family to the country.

Seems like a great idea to me. Everyone likes to feel useful, and many children feel very frightened and powerless right now (not just children feel this way, of course). If I brought home a couple of chicks and told my daughter to care for them so we could have fresh eggs AND this would help keep people safe from the

Sad to see him go, but not as sad I was when Warren exited. Sad to think that Biden has the nomination wrapped up. But nothing - NOTHING - is sadder and more horrifying than 4 more years of Trump and his band of troglodytes.

True, and I wonder if the Never Bidens will find solace in their short sighted posturing as we all suffer four more years of Trump and his goon squad. Sure, the climate is fucked, the Supreme Court loaded with conservative cretins, LGBTQ and women's rights are stomped on and nobody gets healthcare anymore, but by God,

It’s on the voters to turn out and beat Trump. Biden is far from my first choice but the first priority is to mobilize enough people to get out and vote.

Good one for sure - Prine’s songs held up beautifully, whether he sang them or they were covered by others. I’ve always been partial to Tim and Molly O’Brien’s version of “Unwed Fathers.”