
How do people even consider paying to see these movies? The trailers make me cry! The mere *idea* of the trailers makes me cry! Somebody is gonna get hurt or die, and it’s probably the dog, and the people who make these movies are MONSTERS. #nevergotoveroldyeller

Oh that's right! From the time I read your post to now, I'd forgotten - I'm sorry! Myrtle is a total dollbaby!

What's his name?

What an angel! Congratulations!


I believe your father was reincarnated into my husband. This is EXACTLY the kind of story he tells - frequently.

Awww, poor kitties. I'm so glad you are trying to help them, but I know it can be a struggle.

Kittens are always interesting! I want details and photos!

Esther, please tell me you’ve watched the classic Albert Brooks film, ”Lost in America.” If not, you must do so immediately. 

“A person with functioning eyes.”

The solution to this problem is so much simpler than people realize: Don’t give your child a personal screen. No handheld devices for as long as you can hold out (and you can hold out longer than you realize), and no TV in their bedrooms ever. If your child already has a screen and you are upset by your chikd’s

Every story I tell is riveting, but for some world class snoozation, lemme get my husband over here. He can - and will -spend hours describing his favorite interstate rest areas. He can tell you where they are, when he visited (including the exact year, what he was driving, and sometimes even what he was wearing), and

Oh man, I probably haven't had one of those in 35 years! I forgot all about those delicious wonders!

Klondikes, with classic ice cream sandwiches coming in a close second. BOOM!

I would like more info on the groom with a fresh black eye, please!

You're safe as long as you slather yourself in Old Bay before you leave the house. Sprinkle it on your porch, too.

I don't understand how mopping works. Isn't it just sloshing dirty water around? I'm genuinely flummoxed by it, so much so that I've been known to get on my hands and knees with a box of wet Swiffer sheets and just wipe the floor by hand, using a fresh sheet every couple of feet.

My daughter’s school uniform includes single color saddle shoes - there’s a saddle, but both it and the rest of the shoe are navy blue! She longs for bi-colored saddle shoes, but those are reserved exclusively for the uniform of another local private school. We both feel sad that she isn't getting the full saddle shoe

My daughter is actually eligible for DAR membership through her dad, but I've forbidden her from ever joining, lol!