
The correct answer is: roast beef po-boy, dressed and covered in so much gravy that you'll have to shower when you're finished.

I found myself looking for lunch in an area packed with fast food restaurants, and decided to give Chick-fil-A a try. I’d been hearing about it forever, and the drive through line snaked well into the street, so I figured this was going to be some tasty stuff. People had actively chosen to sit in a car line 20

No rocks hurled from me. I love traditional preppy clothing, especially on men. Gimme a tanned, sporty guy in boat shoes, Nantucket Reds and a Lacoste shirt any day. However, he’s gotta vote blue. This IS possible - I consider my signature summer look to be “Westchester country club, 1975" (love me some Lilly

He’s been on my mind, too - especially because we’ve had two people die who were intimately involved with "Company" - Hal Prince and D.A. Pennebaker... here's hoping dear Steve will not be #3.

I’m certain Sondheim would approve of the sentiment...but I wonder if he gave explicit permission for this revision? Artists can (and should) be tetchy about these matters...

Even though I dream of cuddling a big cat, if id been in the situation you describe, I would have shat my pants in terror! Also, that hurts my feelings to think the animals being kept like that in his back yard. I visited Big Cat Rescue in Tampa and they were full of cats with backstories like this. One had a sign

Dershowitz wrote a monthly column in Penthouse?!? 

I want to cuddle a big cat. I want to throw my arms around a beautiful tiger or leopard and hug him and give him scritches and treat him like a housecat. I want to rub his ears and boop his nose and play with his giant toe beans while talking to him in a baby voice and telling him how sweet and good and beautiful he

Goodness, he's a cutie!

He was an ordained Presbyterian minister who was appalled at the quality of early children’s programming. He saw television as a way to really help children, rather than distract them with crass slapstick. He wasn’t afraid to talk about difficult things, and he trusted children’s ability to manage information. Just

Yes. Yes he was.

Excellent analogy! 

I seem to remember a low end jewelry chain having a big marketing campaign a few years ago around “chocolate diamonds.” Even I could tell this wouldn’t sell - who wants a brown diamond? I don’t like colored diamonds in general, but brown...yech.

Omg, that it hilarious!

My dad told me that there are animals called Naugas, and that's where Naugahyde comes from.

Now playing

Not so sure about that. My British aunt watched this show in her youth, and it is truly nuts:

This sounds lovely! My daughter is a pre-teen now, but she grew up watching “Kipper,” another charming and quiet British show

That makes a lot of sense to me, especially since it sounds like you are alone and out of your home when you could credibly find yourself in a dangerous position.

Ha - just posted something to this effect before seeing your comment!

I like “When Harry Met Sally,” but it was trying to be “Annie Hall" for the 80's. This is impossible, because "Annie Hall" is a perfect movie - in no small part because Annie and Alvy do not end up together.