
Owning a gun for “protection” and storing it safely are two conflicting ideas. If you have a gun to protect yourself, you’d need to have access to it all the time, in case you are attacked. By this logic, you’d need to keep your loaded gun within easy reach all the time, which means it’s always right next to you in

Before 2016, never could I have imagined that there would be credible allegations of sex slavery happening in a building conspicuously owned by the sitting President of the United States...and that this part of the whole sordid story would go unremarked-upon.

I am willing to listen to different points of view most of the time, and I found some of Peck’s points to be interesting. However, once a person devolves into name-calling, stereotypes and musing about private sexual practices, I’m out. Peck lost me at “Mary Pete,” and shut the door and locked it once he suggested

Yep. Watching him is like watching the most insecure high school sophomore in class. He’s so uncomfortable with who he is, and so nervous all the time, he can never really relax. He can only approximate a comfortable physical position, because he is constantly on guard. This is what happens when you have an abusive

DNA testing has made these discoveries easier, but people have been uncovering family mysteries forever. It’s never easy to find out that something really important has been hidden so well that it has never ocvurred to you to suspect otherwise.

Right on. My daughter’s school handbook makes it very clear that teachers are not required to give you the homework ahead of time just because you decide to take a family vacation outside of the academic calendar. 

Right on. I’m so sick of “breast is best” pressure. If nursing/pumping isn’t working for you, get thee to the formula aisle. "Fed is best!"

I really struggle with this concept. I know some folks who, as teens, were allowed to take “mental health days.” Rather than learn how to set appropriate boundaries and manage a healthy schedule, they have grown into the kind of insufferable young adults who feel that being “tired” is a reasonable excuse for not doing

I hired a lifeguard for a large party in our backyard last year, and it was the smartest thing I’ve ever done. The parents could relax, the kids had a blast, and everyone felt great about having a certified professional whose only job was to make sure everyone stayed safe.

I have serious doubts that Trump knows the word "foisted."

I just posted the exact same thing!

I see that one of Diana’s sisters is into Dick Tracy cosplay.

My husband got our 11 year old hooked on MAD, and I just bought her a subscription not two weeks ago! Oh well... here's hoping the material they recycle will be the classics...

Or the lyrics to "Too Darn Hot."

I think that looks fine. My mom always made me yummy cream cheese and jelly sandwiches when I was little, so it would probably taste kind of like that.

I’d pay to watch that.

Heiress Harris?

I am all about this. I have suggested to my husband that we buy a double and live in separate sides, but he won’t have it. My side of the house would be so cute and tidy and nicely decorated...

Hm, every teacher and social worker I know has had to pee in a cup as part of the hiring process. These are white collar jobs.

I would imagine that it would be important to know if a student athlete was using nicotine. Certainly if s/he is smoking, might that be a risk factor for being able to train and compete in the best of health? I’d be worried if my child was doing some kind of hard-core aerobic training while also damaging lungs and